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How Can Anarchists Defend Their Liberties From Fascists?

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I have just watched an interesting documentary about the maltreatment Australian natives receive, even now, from the Australian [white] government and society.  :confused:


Utopia (2013) by John Pilger



This is, of course, masked under lies, coercion, and legislation. The natives seem unable to resist all that is happening, and, naturally, suicide and self-harm are extremely common, within their tiny communities.  :angry:


This leads me to my question; a question I have been pondering and examining, for some years, but without avail. And so, I ask you...


In the face of those who devote their lives to harm and violence, to amassing weapons and shields, and who dwell in lies and the ruthless manipulation of others; what can a community [or group] of good people do?


In other words, how can such a conflict be resolved, even temporarily, when confronted with those who dedicate their lives to destruction?


Will it come down to better and smarter weaponry? And better and smarter shields?


Or will there be no immediate solution, and rather, all of us who are currently alive, must suffer the fascists, and only attempt to "save the future"?  :sad:

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