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Pittsburgh FDR / libertarian / anarchists to make like-minded friends?

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Are there any Pittsburgh-area FDR/libertarian/anarchists that can see this message?  If so that is great, as that means you have either eyes or a very useful gadget for people without eyes.


Either way, anybody in the Pittsburgh area interested in making like-minded friends?  Or like-minded mere associates to wave to on the off-chance we see each other on opposite sides of a shopping mall?

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18 views so far, but no replies.  Are any of you that viewed this thread in the Pittsburgh area?


Hi, Queecho,


I'm in the Chicagoland area. It's great to see you reaching out to find the like-minded in your area. I did the same recently and found that others were reaching out as well in my area.


One of the ways we were able to make the connection was using FDR's Meetup Group feature. Have you checked out the FDR Meetup community yet? It shows 10 philosophers in the Pittsburgh group and they've had a Meetup as recently as April. You can check it out at http://www.meetup.com/Freedomain-Radio/Pittsburgh-PA/.


Meeting and getting together with those in the Chicagoland area has been some of the most meaningful and worthwhile time spent in my life. I encourage you to keep trying. They're out there!



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Hi Queecho,


I live out near the airport and joined the boards about 2 weeks ago.  I just found the Meet 'n Greet page today and was quite thrilled to find someone from Pittsburgh near the top of the list (your persistence in bumping it up the list is admirable!). 


There was a Pittsburgh AnCap Meetup started a few months ago; I found it just after their first meeting in October, but they haven't met since.  They do have 22 members, so that is at least promising.




The one libertarian group that I do thoroughly enjoy is Liberty on the Rocks Pittsburgh.  Basically just a bunch of libertarians meet at a bar downtown about once a month and bullshit for a few hours.  Like the other few liberty groups I frequent in the area, it's dominated by minarchists, but the head of the group is an anarchist, and we all generally get along quite well.  The next event hasn't been posted yet, but we would love to have you; just search Facebook for "Liberty on the Rocks Pittsburgh".


Otherwise, I love the idea of an FDR meetup and would be more than willing to help get one started up here in the 'burgh. 

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The next event was just posted for the Facebook group; April 17th at Gus's Cafe again.  No need to be a big drinker; we have a few members that don't drink at all and still show up most of the time. 


You can call me Steve in the real world; I'm usually there at or shortly after 7:30 and we typically hang out until 11 or so.  Hope to see you there!!

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The closest thing to a liberty meetup is the Liberty on the Rocks group that I mentioned above.  We usually meet once a month, but nothing is planned for this month that I know of. 


I doubt we would have the attendance for an official meetup.com group, but an unofficial gathering would be a good start. Though most of the LOTR group is in the minarchist camp, there is a chance I could get a few people from that group to show up.  What area of town are you from, Tservitive?

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The next Liberty On The Rocks event is next Friday, July 10th at 7:30 PM at Gus's Cafe in Lawrenceville.  Here is the link to the Facebook Event, though you may need to join the group first.  I plan to get there around 7:30, and it looks as if the few AnCaps in the group will be there as well.  Hope to see you there; if you have any questions, let me know. 


If that doesn't work out for you guys, I would be ok with setting up an informal FDR gathering between those of us in this post.  Let me know what you think!

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I moved to Pittsburgh last month. Are the folks in this thread interested in a casual brunch together before winter's grip closes its grasp on the Steel City?


If that doesn't work out for you guys, I would be ok with setting up an informal FDR gathering between those of us in this post.  Let me know what you think!


I'm from Sewickley, though I'l be in the Shady Side/ Oakland area by August.


find any like-minded individuals?


I'm from just south of Pittsburgh. I know this is a little late, but I just joined.

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I am out of town this Sunday, but any Sunday after that could work for me.  How about Kelly-O's on Sunday the 15?


I'll be out of town that weekend. Let's shoot for the 22nd.


Alternatively, if anyone is attending the Students for Liberty conference in Pittsburgh this Saturday, send me a PM and we can plan to meet up.

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