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Quebec man who slapped his 13-year-old daughter so hard she died sentenced to 60 days in jail

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Sounds like a freak accident but just another reason why you should not hit your kids.


Also interesting is that she is 13 and there is no mention of the legality of the physical abuse.  I know Stef is regularly mentioning that in canada you can hit a kid from 2-12 with an open hand and not in the face.  This was a 13 year old and she was slapped twice in the face but they dont mention it being illegal. Seems like an important detail people should be aware of regardless the outcome of the case

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Moussa Sidime is expected to serve his time two days a week over 30 weeks,


Seriously WTF


I don't know why the judge didn't just give him 2 slaps

...one on each wrist and have done with it.


completely pathetic. 

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These news make extremely angry and sad, my mind is filled with expletives towards the murderer. What message does this send to Canadian children? Kids, if mommy or daddy kill you, they'll only get a slap on the wrist, so there's fuck all you can do about it.


'Tis a good reminder of the objective of FDR.

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‘Gentle’ Quebec man who slapped teen daughter to death after she failed to finish chores gets 60 days in jails


Why would they print Gentle even if it is outlined with quotes?


"The 74-year-old man had pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the death of his 13-year-old daughter, Noutene, in October 2010."


This guy was pumping out children at the age of 61? What does that say abou the mother?


"The court heard Sidime struck her because he didn’t like how she’d completed a chore and because she had been disrespectful,..."At least he had good reason and not for something frivelous.


"but he said he had never intended to cause serious harm."


Oh, he had intended to inflict mild discomfort. I see.  In that case why bother even putting him on trial?


"Noutene’s family supported him throughout the trial, and testified in his defence."


Why let one silly violent homicide cause disharmony in the family?  How does the saying go: "Blood is thicker than water."

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‘Gentle’ Quebec man who slapped teen daughter to death after she failed to finish chores gets 60 days in jails


Why would they print Gentle even if it is outlined with quotes?


"The 74-year-old man had pleaded guilty to manslaughter in the death of his 13-year-old daughter, Noutene, in October 2010."


This guy was pumping out children at the age of 61? What does that say abou the mother?


"The court heard Sidime struck her because he didn’t like how she’d completed a chore and because she had been disrespectful,..."At least he had good reason and not for something frivelous.


"but he said he had never intended to cause serious harm."


Oh, he had intended to inflict mild discomfort. I see.  In that case why bother even putting him on trial?


"Noutene’s family supported him throughout the trial, and testified in his defence."


Why let one silly violent homicide cause disharmony in the family?  How does the saying go: "Blood is thicker than water."



That 'gentle' thing really got me too. Also the "I am not violent" part and "If I could take it back, I would." I can't help but wonder what he would have done differently. Move the position of his hand? Slap just less than enough to kill her? How is he not violent if he slaps his children for not sweeping under the goddamned carpet?


I guess we should never forget that spanking is OK if you don't leave a mark - even if it results in death. This is so revolting.

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This story is revolting.
Just imagine if this had been his wife or his boss or a stranger on the street, if you hit someone and they die because of it that makes you a murderer. It's amazing to me that this seems to be news to the nation of Canada. I guess they just do things differently in Québec.
Oh who am I kidding, you would get the same result no matter where the story was with the possible exception of some small European countries.
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  • 3 months later...

From the article: “I lost my daughter, but it was the will of God,” Sidime told Quebec Court Judge Richard Marleau. “I am not violent.”


I am completely dumbfounded by this, and it struck me as completely crazy. Him and any other parent claiming that their abuse is the "will" or sometimes the "wrath" of God, are just completely delusional. What a despicable system that doesn't consider this and the many other red flags in this case that this guy did this of his own free will, and certainly DID mean to harm this poor little girl, even if he didn't mean to kill her.


It is also disgusting how the rest of the family completely supports him and considers him a "gentle and quiet man". He just MURDERED one of your younger family members.. does that mean nothing to these people??? I guess either delusion has fully spread throughout the family (and apparently the rest of Quebec), or Sidime has them so completely under his boot heel that they are too scared to oppose him.

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I'm surprised they took his "intent" into account so much...at least in America, unless it's up for debate as to whether it was self-defense or not, you either DID commit the crime, or you DIDN'T. He killed someone, obviously not in self-defense, and the best intentions in the world can't change that fact.

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