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The popularity of FDR compared to TYT


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I watched the Joe Rogan Experience with Cenk Uygur from The Young Turks a couple of hours ago. And then I checked the popularity of their youtube channel. It blew my mind how many views and subs they have compared to FDR.FDR has around 158,000 subs, 32,000,000 views, 1,600,000 views last month, and 5,700 subs last month.


TYT has around 1,564,000 subs, 1,415,000,000 views, 33,933,000 views last month, and 36,900 subs last month.


That is almost 44 times the views, 10 times the subs, 21 times the views last month, and more than 6 times the subs last month.


First, I want to say that FDR has a long way to go. However, while it might be crazy, I see no reason why FDR can't be just as popular as TYT in, say, 5 years. I think this can happen because FDR is closing the gap of the rate that TYT gets viewers and subs. This because the multiplicators of total and last-month views/subs are around 2 times less for the last-month views/subs (21 & 6) than for the total views/subs (44 & 10). Although I know this is a debatable assumption, at this pace, FDR will be more popular than TYT in the long run (the channels were created around the same time).


If we are to reach such a goal, the community ought to up its game with donations of time and money. Same goes for Stef and Mike who ought to up their game as well to reach that goal. I do not know the specifics of where that improvement can come from except that Stef has said he is only around 40 % of where he wants to be in terms of expressing himself. I wonder if there is something we as a community can do to help him with this?


I don't want to envoke and exploit guilt in people though writing this by the way. My intent is to remind people that we are on the right track, but that more can be done to reach the heights FDR deserves to be at.

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Yeah but TYT's is basically a group of under informed, over opinionated libtards

yammering on about 'popular issues' ...with simplistic certainty. 


Almost the polar opposite of FDR,

so a little hard to compare?


but certainly I'd agree we can all step up our game,


for my part I've started donating and also try to post Stef's vids on various forums ect

especially ones where I know it wont just be, 'preaching to the choir'.

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In terms of listeners to the show (for want of a better word), quality matters a lot more than quantity. In my humble opinion, credibility is HUGE.


Stef and Mike have done a shit load to establish credibility in terms of getting speaking engagements, doing interviews with experts, doing lots of debates, the shear number of shows and all the other cool stuff that's been happening.


Two ways that we can help out is to donate time and money (as Ryan rightly points out) and also to demonstrate the value of philosophy in our own lives by committing ourselves to virtue and attracting the right kind of people.


The people most involved in a movement like TZM tend to be isolated and conspiratorial and give off a "weirdo" vibe. It's important for people to associate FDR with listeners who are virtuous and have self knowledge. And that's the way I see it already, to a good degree, but obviously, the more the merrier.


And it's important that people do that for their own sakes. There's an opportunity presented here in becoming a philosopher. Philosophy will change your life if you let it.


Relevant podcast:

FDR920 What's Next

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I understand that the task is harder for FDR for the quality and credibility reasons you mention, but I don't get why the adjectives you label TYT are relevant to a goal of being more popular than them. Although a thought came to mind that maybe there are not as many virtuous people as there are TYT subs.




Two ways that we can help out is to donate time and money (as Ryan rightly points out)


I pointed out this in my post as well. What I was curious about was the question of Stef's level of self-expression and what an increase of it hinges on.



The people most involved in a movement like TZM tend to be isolated and conspiratorial and give off a "weirdo" vibe.


I am not familiar with this, can you elaborate or show examples?

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I am not familiar with this, can you elaborate or show examples?

I don't actually know if this is true, but that's a stereotype I've heard repeatedly. Maybe they are generally hard working people, but the whole anti-capitalism / no jobs thing attracts a certain kind of person that I've noticed is not always the most self aware of people.


I don't know who the first paragraph is directed at. I think it's me, except that I didn't even mention TYT. My personal opinion of TYT is very similar to Ryan's. I really dislike that show. That Cenk guy really bothers me. I'm not entirely sure why, except that he's a blowhard, but so are a lot of other people.

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You may have heard the aphorism: "A lie is halfway around the world before the truth gets it's boots on."


Comfortable lies will spread like viruses to everyone who does not have reasoning abilities to act as an immune system. FDR won't ever go viral like these groups, because it demands too much of the carriers in terms of thinking, evaluating, and self knowledge.

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I don't know who the first paragraph is directed at. I think it's me, except that I didn't even mention TYT. My personal opinion of TYT is very similar to Ryan's. I really dislike that show. That Cenk guy really bothers me. I'm not entirely sure why, except that he's a blowhard, but so are a lot of other people.

I intended to respond to both you and Ryan in the same sentence. I can see it turned out confusing. I am sorry about that!


Ryan wrote that it was hard to compare due to TYT being all those adjectives. You (Kevin) wrote that quality is more important then quantity (I am not sure whether you mean quantity in terms of number of videos or in terms of viewers though). I argue that while both of you bring reasons why it might be harder to become that popular, it does not mean that it can't be done or is not a good long term goal to have.


For the record, I do not approve of TYT or Cenk Uygur through writing all of this. I can respect that they admit to not being objective and being progressive. I also found the chat between Rogan and Cenk interesting to listen to. Especially when Cenk talks about his history in msnbc and their spinelessness, bribery and partisanship. However, he is full of crap most of the time.



You may have heard the aphorism: "A lie is halfway around the world before the truth gets it's boots on."


Comfortable lies will spread like viruses to everyone who does not have reasoning abilities to act as an immune system. FDR won't ever go viral like these groups, because it demands too much of the carriers in terms of thinking, evaluating, and self knowledge.


This still does not mean it can't happen. An analogy that come to mind is the S-growth curve in economics, social media, and biology. One never knows where one is at, and then suddenly it explodes for reasons that were hard to predict would give such an outcome before it happened :)

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Yep, I'll hold my hands up my first sentence probably does fall under 'argument by adjectives',

but my point is simply that FDR and TYT are going after very different demographics

and at the minute, there's represents a bigger share of society...that's just a fact.


To put it another way, you could be a brilliant author and write a great romance novel about two sensitive, well balanced people falling in love in a deep meaningful relationship, but you'd have to be bordering on delusional, to beat yourself up if it didn't outsell, '50 Shades of Gray'? 


So like I said, we can all step up our game,

........but lets be realistic.

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I'm already annoyed.


Why did you got annoyed? In addition, what do you mean by already?



What is this about?


My thought was that we all, both listeners and those employed in FDR, ought to do more if we were to become as popular as TYT. That is a big if though, and, additionally, since I have so little insight into the workings of FDR, or the situation of other listeners for that matter, I must admit I am in no position to tell anyone they ought to up their game if FDR is to get as popular as TYT. I think it was a presumptuous thing to write and it doesn't really add any value. I am sorry about that.

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Why did you got annoyed? In addition, what do you mean by already?



My thought was that we all, both listeners and those employed in FDR, ought to do more if we were to become as popular as TYT. That is a big if though, and, additionally, since I have so little insight into the workings of FDR, or the situation of other listeners for that matter, I must admit I am in no position to tell anyone they ought to up their game if FDR is to get as popular as TYT. I think it was a presumptuous thing to write. I am sorry about that.


Michael can speak for himself but I'll take a stab at it, and maybe save him some time.


Judging from the output alone, the level of productivity that's achieved out of few staff members at FDR is already insanely high. 


The comment is a fanboy comment - meaning that you're assigning someone else responsibility for what you want to happen as if you're entitled to it. Granted, they want to grow the show too, but it's annoying to have people think that making very general comments that indicate disappointment is in any way helpful. It's like being in the stands at a baseball game, yelling out at the batter who just hit a double "Up your game! Let's see a home run".

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The comment is a fanboy comment - meaning that you're assigning someone else responsibility for what you want to happen as if you're entitled to it. Granted, they want to grow the show too, but it's annoying to have people think that making very general comments that indicate disappointment is in any way helpful. It's like being in the stands at a baseball game, yelling out at the batter who just hit a double "Up your game! Let's see a home run".


I agree with parts of what you are writing, specifically what you write about thinking it was helpful. I can clearly see that it was stupid and I disagree with my own OP. I think I was clouded by being excited about wanting FDR to be larger than TYT and wanted to share and incite enthusiasm, but I can see that I failed and that is my responsibility.


However, I think you are strawmanning me: Prove it through citing me in context and not words like "as if" and "indicate". If you want your post to be a constructive criticism of my post this vague language is not the way to go, the same way my vague language about what i think the community and the producers ought to do to be as popular as TYT was not constructive as well.


Why specifically do you think tyt and fdr are so directly comparable?


This is a strawman as well, I think. I have not written that I "think they are so directly comparable".

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I agree with parts of what you are writing, specifically what you write about thinking it was helpful. I can clearly see that it was stupid and I disagree with my own OP. I think I was clouded by being excited about wanting FDR to be larger than TYT and wanted to share and incite enthusiasm, but I can see that I failed and that is my responsibility.


However, I think you are strawmanning me: Prove it through citing me in context and not words like "as if" and "indicate". If you want your post to be a constructive criticism of my post this vague language is not the way to go, the same way my vague language about what i think the community and the producers ought to do to be as popular as TYT was not constructive as well.



This is a strawman as well, I think. I have not written that I "think they are so directly comparable".


You didn't write those specific words, but you did directly compare the two.  Shit, you titled the thread, "The popularity of FDR compared to TYT".

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FDR has gone from awful audio podcasting on the way to work in a 12 year old Volvo to a brand new studio and a full time employee besides Stef on nothing but donations. And this for a show that is basically showing people how they create evil in the world. The only audience this show is going to hold are those people already interested in self-knowledge and becoming better people, which is a tiny fraction of the human population. 


Maybe it's just me, but I think we're doing alright. And by "alright" I mean  HOLY F-----' JESUS HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!!!!?!?!?!11


FDR is not a scatter-shot-hope-the-remnant-hear-me radio show. It is the mother of all boot camps for those that want to train to become philosophers themselves.

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I agree with parts of what you are writing, specifically what you write about thinking it was helpful. I can clearly see that it was stupid and I disagree with my own OP. I think I was clouded by being excited about wanting FDR to be larger than TYT and wanted to share and incite enthusiasm, but I can see that I failed and that is my responsibility.


However, I think you are strawmanning me: Prove it through citing me in context and not words like "as if" and "indicate". If you want your post to be a constructive criticism of my post this vague language is not the way to go, the same way my vague language about what i think the community and the producers ought to do to be as popular as TYT was not constructive as well.


I think that I and most of the other posters appreciate and sympathize with your enthusiasm in wanting to grow FDR. I know I've thought a lot about how this could be brought to more people. I hope I didn't dampen that enthusiasm. I'm glad you understood how the comment could be annoying to someone, even if I did explain it clumsily. 

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I want to make this post dedicated to saying sorry to Stef, Mike, and the listeners for what I wrote. It was stupid. I appreciate all your work so much and I owe you guys the world.


Edit: I appreciate all the feedback btw. I will improve in the future.

Edited by Avalanche
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