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Worshipping Conditional Statements

AnCap AllCaps

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Hi. I have gone back and forth with a user at the DailyPaul many times, and many times his arguments have come down to his failure to accept the condition proposed in a conditional statement; like "if there is no creator, then infinite regressions exist."


And HE MAINTAINS that merely by FAILING TO ACCEPT the condition (infinite regressions occur) THAT WE WILL the hypothesis to be false (and make a creator exist). No matter what the REASON for failing to accept the condition; either you find it improbable, find it incomprehensible, find it disgusting, find it demeaning...


And this person has now formally posted something that IS ALMOST COMPLETELY BASED on his "reliance upon this pattern..." That people FAIL TO ACCEPT THE CONDITION, so he maintains that THE HYOPTHESIS MUST THEN BE FALSE.


Let me just post his statements right here:





Oh you silly godless boys and girls. Do you not know what you do? Have you not followed the worm all the way down?

If there are no gods, no God, no mind for you to orient to like a true North, have you not realized what this means?

When the lights go out for you, the lights go out on the whole Universe. If there are no Gods, solipsism is the highest truth.

As far as you're concerned, the universe only exists as long as you exist, and after that, it's game over.

Whether the world blinks out into darkness one second after your eyes close, what does it matter? What does anything matter? You can't stop it, you can't forestall it.

You would be justified in doing any evil to prolong and enjoy this show, it only comes once. This is your time to shine, to take in every last drop of sense and joy, like a star before it burns out forever. What does a star care about the other stars, after it blinks out?

The godless world is a subjective world. Every subject is the object of existence. After you blink out, nothing matters.

The godless are a lonely bunch, they are essentially alone, alone at the center of the universe. The man who has gods as not alone. Nor is God alone, in his mysterious society of three, he is in good company, and the party goes on forever.




And I have posted thus far:




Conditional statements are "if, then statements," or "hypothesis then condition," "where we say "when the hypothesis (the if) is true, the condition (the then) is true." Or "if p the"if p is true, then q is true."Here are some examples.1. A dying pauper with a week to live says "If I have no money or property, then I will die penniless."2. A dying homeowner with a week to live says "If the foundation of my house is dilapidated, then I will die with my house nearly worthless."3. A husband says "If those pictures are real and not photoshopped, then my wife is a liar and is willing to sleep with other men."4. A person says "if there is no afterlife, then life is short and this life is all I have."5. A person says "if there is no afterlife, then I will never get to see my family and friends that have passed."6. A person says "if there is no god, then my thoughts and emotions are merely the product of matter and there is no such thing as a soul; aka I am just a machine."7. A person says "if there is no creator, then we must accept that infinite regressions are possible."8. Add your own conditional, where the PROPOSER DREADS the condition.----In all of these conditionals, the person making the conditional statement DEARLY WISHES that THE CONDITION BE FALSE! Because the condition may be UNACCEPTABLE to the proposer or INCOMPREHENSIBLE to the proposer.So the pauper, the homeowner, the husband, the believer, DREAD THE CASE WHERE THE CONDITION IS FALSE; that he will be penniless, that his home is worthless, that his wife may be a cheater, that life is short, that there is no party you will attend after your brain ceases functioning, that we are merely biological machines...But WISHING FOR THE CONDITION TO BE FALSE... HAS NO EFFECT ON THE HYPOTHESIS.1. Does the pauper all of the sudden become rich? And his pockets magically full of cash?2. Does the homeowner's foundations suddenly and magically become pristine?3. Does the gigolo suddenly and magically fail to exist or pop out of existence?I HOPE YOU SEE that your wishes DO NOT AFFECT reality in any way. And the hypothesis CANNOT BE AFFECTED, the HYPOTHESIS IS THE FACT, the HYPOTHESIS IS REALITY; PERIOD!


The DailyPaul is not a philosophy forum, so I wanted to outline things a bit for the readers. But give me your thoughts on this topic. Do you find flaws in my reasoning? Have I made mistakes? And what can you add to this "worshipping of conditional statements?"

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