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Could the Natzies have won the War ? (hypothetical)


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The reason I ask this question is because they keep making games about this subject. 


Here is an example of a new game with this story:


Not to forget , the Call of duty Natzi mode. That game is probably the most popular game in history, have you guys seen the sales numbers for that game series ? 


It just made me think could this really be possible?  Nazi Germany was fascist , and going up against the semi free market US (and other nations). 


In my head this would be impossible because in my mind the Free Market always works better than another system, so the country with the most freedom would win. 



What do you guys think, Im curious to hear what stef thinks since he is really knowledgeable in the realm of History. 

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Yes it was possible. Early in the precepts of the war, Germany could have cut off Britain's retreat to their home island. If they had done this, it would have been too devastating a blow to the Brits and they would not had the ability to handle Germany's invasion. Basically they started off to soft and let things get out of hand. If they had secured Britain and the west they could have focused on Russia. Once Germany gets to the oil supplies blocked off by Moscow, it's game over.

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Define "win." Conquer Europe? Unlikely. Conquer the world? Not a chance. Bear in mind that the Nazis couldn't cross the English channel even at the height of their might. The larger and more experienced Royal Navy--one of the most formidable fighting forces in the world at the time--would've stood in their way regardless of whether the Dunkirk evacuation succeeded, and let's not forget about the Royal Air Force.


Germany managed to capture one of Russia's three oil fields/refineries in the Caucasus mountains but the retreating Russian forces destroyed its infrastructure. Furthermore, the oil reserves in that region were insignificant compared to those in Siberia--a territory far beyond the reach of the Axis powers. The Nazi war machine was never oil-starved due to the increased output of the Balkan regions and Romania in particular.


By the end of the war the Third Reich was practically cannibalizing itself due to the woeful economic inefficiency of National Socialism and the wasteful German militarism. Conflicts of interest within the Axis alliance, military losses and economic self-destruction would've put an end to the war eventually. The myth of Nazi power was kept alive by Allied propaganda (justifying war funding) and the work of popular writers (profiting from the widespread propaganda).


On a side note, Wikipedia has an entry related to this topic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axis_victory_in_World_War_II

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There's a guy named Carl Von Clausewitz who is well worth reading about (I'm not sure he's worth reading he's a bit long-winded) We had to read him in one of my political science classes in college. His central thesis is that military power creates its own undoing. Or another way to put it is that successful military campaigns drive neutral nations to oppose the more successful nation and in the end put an end to their expansionist desires.

So even without considering the actual situation on the ground in Germany. Experience from other wars tells us that there is no chance that the Nazis could have conquered the world as you commonly see in fiction.
But on the other hand we can easily say that the Nazis have won because have you read the news lately? Have you heard about the NSA have you heard about the drone bombing programs that our dictator in chief has been launching against US citizens?
The Nazis won because there is no free world.
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Define "win." Conquer Europe? Unlikely. Conquer the world? Not a chance. Bear in mind that the Nazis couldn't cross the English channel even at the height of their might. The larger and more experienced Royal Navy--one of the most formidable fighting forces in the world at the time--would've stood in their way regardless of whether the Dunkirk evacuation succeeded, and let's not forget about the Royal Air Force.


Germany managed to capture one of Russia's three oil fields/refineries in the Caucasus mountains but the retreating Russian forces destroyed its infrastructure. Furthermore, the oil reserves in that region were insignificant compared to those in Siberia--a territory far beyond the reach of the Axis powers. The Nazi war machine was never oil-starved due to the increased output of the Balkan regions and Romania in particular.


By the end of the war the Third Reich was practically cannibalizing itself due to the woeful economic inefficiency of National Socialism and the wasteful German militarism. Conflicts of interest within the Axis alliance, military losses and economic self-destruction would've put an end to the war eventually. The myth of Nazi power was kept alive by Allied propaganda (justifying war funding) and the work of popular writers (profiting from the widespread propaganda).


On a side note, Wikipedia has an entry related to this topic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axis_victory_in_World_War_II


thanks, well said !

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