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Hello! Thanks for checking out this new forum. I wanted to open this space up for anyone currently practicing or interested in the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model. I learned about IFS from Stefan's interview with the creator of the model, Dr. Richard Schwartz. The podcast is here:




I am so grateful for having been exposed to IFS and I am hoping to spread the model because I have seen incredible results in myself and others.


In addition to using the forum to share IFS experiences I would also like to offer my services to any and all who are interested. I have been integrating Internal Family Systems therapy within my own self-therapy and the work with my clients for the last 8 months. I was recently accepted into the official IFS Training Program and completed my first leg only a few weeks ago. The intensive training ends in August when I will be listed on the official IFS site as a trained IFS Therapist. 

Until then, while entrenched in IFS training, I am offering HALF OFF on all SKYPE therapy sessions until September 1st as I make the transition away from the my current model into the IFS model. 

Despite being within the training, I am highly adept and confident in the use of the model. I strongly believe this model can help one discover who they really are in a deep and profound way. Whatever the struggle, IFS is incredibly powerful, loving, and all-accepting. You can send me a personal message or take a look at my website http://www.conormcmillen.com for pricing information.

I really look forward to posts on this forum! Thanks again for checking it out :)

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Mindfulness: There are so many paths to access mindfulness- our single most powerful, innate, and beautiful internal environment. Internal Family Systems therapy is one path towards mindfulness. What is mindfulness? Simply put, mindfulness is the intentional observation of the self. Why do we want to access mindfulness? Leading interpersonal neurobiologist Dan Siegal explains:

"By learning to monitor with more stability, the details of energy and information flow in the body and in relationships can be seen with more clarity, depth, and detail. Then we are in a position to learn to use those newly perceived dimensions of energy and information flow to modify them toward health. A healthy mind is one that can regulate energy and information flow toward integration..."


What is your path for mindfulness?
-Dan Siegal, Pocket Guide to Interpersonal Neurobiology

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