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Hebrew Subtitles to Youtube Videos


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I would like to do Hebrew subtitles to a selected Youtube video of FDR. I have experience using www.amara.org, but I am open to suggestions, if you've also done this before.


Amara.org exports subtitle files to use with the official Youtube video, after completion, so that anyone can see them on Youtube (instead of on Amara.org only.)


This is tedious work, for me, but I feel that at least one video made accessible to my local folk, could do wonders. I personally feel this way about many of the videos.


What I'm wondering, before I go ahead and pick one, is if anyone here - especially Stefan - has a good idea of a video for this? Considering the more specific social issues in Israel. I mean, choosing a video that would be most relevant and interesting to Israelis.

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I recently started translating "The Story of Your Enslavement" into Arabic. I hadn't heard of amara before so I'll def try to figure that out when I finish.


Amara is very friendly, Jer. :-) Just takes time, eh.



What, if anything, makes Israelis different from any other human being?


Israelis face quite unique social problems. If I relate these to Stefan's topics, then Israelis would benefit from the understanding of the value and practice of: The NAP, What constitutes child abuse, BitCoin - as Israel's economics are dire, due to the small and limited economy (and fascist socialist taxation system, which is extreme even compared to most other countries), and obviously the rampant religious dogmas and new-age nihilistic ideologies being evil and illogical, and thus bad for us.


The main issue is that abuse is considered an accepted behavior here. Abuse, physical and verbal, is rampant in this culture, from schools - where bullying is the norm, to mandatory military service - where horrors commence, and even to the work place - where treatment is way below any accepted standard in the west (such as stealing from salaries).

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Amara is very friendly, Jer. :-) Just takes time, eh.




Israelis face quite unique social problems. If I relate these to Stefan's topics, then Israelis would benefit from the understanding of the value and practice of: The NAP, What constitutes child abuse, BitCoin - as Israel's economics are dire, due to the small and limited economy (and fascist socialist taxation system, which is extreme even compared to most other countries), and obviously the rampant religious dogmas and new-age nihilistic ideologies being evil and illogical, and thus bad for us.


The main issue is that abuse is considered an accepted behavior here. Abuse, physical and verbal, is rampant in this culture, from schools - where bullying is the norm, to mandatory military service - where horrors commence, and even to the work place - where treatment is way below any accepted standard in the west (such as stealing from salaries).



I understand that human beings across the entire planet face unique social problems, some worse than others. In my opinion, I think it's great that you would like to help this particular group.


Sorry that I wasn't clear in my first attempt. 


Which philosophically universal principles would not apply to the human beings that happen to take residence in the particular geographical location you wish to assist?


In other words, your original question (to me a least) strongly suggests that there is something uniquely different about the particular group of people you wish to help.  If there is, then what are those things?


Or, to put it another way: If there is something uniquely different about the particular group of people you wish to help, and if the universal philosophical principles that are foundational to the content and context created by Stefan Molyneux are in fact true, then what exceptions, if any, apply to this particular geographical gathering of individual human beings?


To reframe my question again, which universally true philosophical  principles, and which universally preferable behaviors do not apply to people who live at the north pole, or in a tropical rain forest, or in the outback of the geographical location known as Australia, or in a place called Israel, or in a place called Puerto Rico, or in a place called China?


I hope this helps clarify my question so that I can help make suggestions for you and the people you wish to help. If not, please explain what I am not understanding in regard to your question.

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All truths are relevant. Some are just less relevant.


I'd say that explaining why UPB and the NAP are true, would have a great impact on a culture that functions, on a daily basis, on the initiation of violence (not just coercion).


Unlikewise, I would not put emphasis on, say, Bitcoin, because it's already a popular concept over here, so the impact would be less useful.

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I just went through the videos, and they're all so long. The short ones don't quite touch on relevant topics, at least from the recent month, or so.


Does anyone have a video in mind that is, at least, under an hour, and that is mostly touching on the UPB and the NAP? It can be a conversation or what not; doesn't have to be a lecture.

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Alright! To the merriment of all, I have finished transcribing Putting off Procrastination (Jan 25, 2008) into Hebrew!


Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1WC6hNTONg


Transcribed video on my channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIILO4I7oc0


I have decided on the exciting title, in Hebrew, "The Video That Will Make You Free in 30 Minutes or less!:P


Stefan, or any of the crew, are welcome to take my subtitles, and add them to the original video, as well. I feel that this rather short, concise, and plain video demonstrates some of the most important and basic philosophical and practical principles of the Freedomain Radio show.


File attached. Notice, it is an srt file, and not a txt file!

Putting off Procrastination.he.srt.NOT.A.TXT

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All truths are relevant. Some are just less relevant.


I'd say that explaining why UPB and the NAP are true, would have a great impact on a culture that functions, on a daily basis, on the initiation of violence (not just coercion).


Unlikewise, I would not put emphasis on, say, Bitcoin, because it's already a popular concept over here, so the impact would be less useful.


Hey there Phuein,


I've spent a fair amount of time and energy trying to learn what makes Israelis different from other people so I can help YOU as per your request. 


You still haven't answered my questions, and then the only response you can come up with is "All truth's are relevant'?


Care to explain your response to me?

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Care to explain your response to me?


Hey, I'm sorry that my response seemed too general. I didn't think you'd be interested in specifics.


Israel is a country that is based on three things: Zionism, Judaism, and Terror.


Zionism is the view that the only proper land for those of Hebrew descent (what most people call Jews) is Israel. Any other place, "has proven to be anti semitic." That is, at least, the common argument for it. Of course, those who say this, completely ignore the endless and huge amounts of historical and contemporary anti semitism that Israel has for the Hebrews, compared to plenty of places, in the world, that are actually quite pleasant to live in. No wars. And some places hardly even know or recognize a Hebrew person (as opposed to any other white person), like in Asia.


Judaism is the religious culture that followed, grew, and in some communities of Hebrews, taken root. Like in all religions, there are many sects, and there are different espoused lifestyles. And like in all religions, everything is done through coercion, threat, and fear. Most of the sects, however, and even those who are just barely religious, at all, support Zionism, and are therefore either actively Zionist, live here and fight in the wars, or are passively Zionist, and donate insane sums of money towards the cause.


Terror is the emotion that rules in Israel. Unlike the USA, for example, where terror has only recently become very popular; over here it's been a foundation, constant and intrusive. Compulsory military conscription. A country forever officially in a state of "alert" (war-time). A country where the citizens don't actually have any official positive rights.


Explaining the emotion, atmosphere, and behavior of the people of Israel, is akin to explaining those of the people right now in warring countries, such as Afghanistan and Iraq. On the surface, people behave as if this was the liberal west, where life is free and good. However, when the society and people are reviewed, and inquisitive conversations take place, then a constant state of panic is revealed. A state of panic that is encouraged, by those who dominate this country.


I call Israel a US military base. It is so full of arms, military, bases, all funded by the USA. It so aimed at war, that everything else becomes irrelevant. Just looking at the funds that flow through Israel (public state budget), it is evident that the highest purpose of this "society" is to wage war.


Is it a "just war"? A war of "self-defense"? Even if it were, then it would still make no sense to force ourselves to live here. Up until recently, most Hebrews lived in the USA, where they enjoy and prosper. Hell, they are the source of all that support and funding, without which there would be no Israel. [i reckon that in America, the continent, there are more Hebrews, than in Israel.]


But it is not a just war. The history of Israel is well documented. People escaped from other countries, rightfully so, but only to force themselves on those who had been living here, Hebrews and Arabs, and do to others what they had suffered. Israel is the land of the continuous holocaust. Both towards Arabs, and towards the Hebrews.


I hope that explains my perspective and reasoning better.

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I am sorry that I am still unable to make myself clear about what I am asking you.


As such, the only thing that I know for certain is that— as an infant— I was circumcised against my will, and under the direction of my parents. I happen to know that many males from the region you inhabit have also suffered circumcision against their will.


With that in mind, please let me know if you think this video, if ranslated into Hebrew, might help the people you wish to help, and in the manner you wish to assist them.



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I wanted to suggest my way of subtitling. I translated The Story of Your Enslavement into Serbian and I plan to do more. I will choose at first from most popular and that have English subtitle. I extract the subtitle using Google2SRT-0.6.1 and I get .srt file with time codes and transcription, so I can focus only on translation. I open it in SubtitleWorkshop (free software) and translate it directly there, and it's a very simple program to use. After that I check it to see if everything is in order with translation and time codes, and for that I download the video and play it via KMplayer with that subtitle. And then I send it to Mike all ready to be added to Youtube video. :)

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Thanks for sharing, Betty. That's an interesting way of doing it.  :) In Amara, I enjoyed the English subtitles already available for my translating, so it sounds like the same process.



Steve, all males in Israel and the region are circumcised. There's almost none, at all, who are not. However, the facts that Stefan shares about it are not new to Israelis. This topic had been discussed publicly before, and the impact is not great. I don't think that attacking something which is considered a fundamental tenet of Judaism is a good way to convince Jews, generally speaking. Basically, for a Jew, even a secular one, not circumcising their child is supposedly equal to losing all connection to the "covenant" with God, which scares idiots.


I do appreciate your recommendation, though. On the surface, it does seem like a good one. Maybe I'll do it, for the sake of being relevant and short.  :D

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  • 1 month later...

I would like to do Hebrew subtitles to a selected Youtube video of FDR. I have experience using www.amara.org, but I am open to suggestions, if you've also done this before.


Amara.org exports subtitle files to use with the official Youtube video, after completion, so that anyone can see them on Youtube (instead of on Amara.org only.)


This is tedious work, for me, but I feel that at least one video made accessible to my local folk, could do wonders. I personally feel this way about many of the videos.


What I'm wondering, before I go ahead and pick one, is if anyone here - especially Stefan - has a good idea of a video for this? Considering the more specific social issues in Israel. I mean, choosing a video that would be most relevant and interesting to Israelis.

Hi Phuein, maybe the arguments against religion would be a good start?  From what I hear there is a "battle" going within Israel of Atheist vs. Theist.  

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Hi Phuein, maybe the arguments against religion would be a good start?  From what I hear there is a "battle" going within Israel of Atheist vs. Theist.  


Generally speaking, the people who stop being religious and join the secular society, and the people who become religious and join the religious society, both do so due to practical reasons. It's either people looking for a lifestyle that suits them, such as gay religious folk, or people looking for a sense of community, which doesn't quite exist within the secular society, so they turn religious.


Sadly, philosophy and logic are rarely any part of this "battle". When the sub-societies within a greater society are so extremely fashioned, it makes choices about religion a thing of practicality, rather than an ideology. That's why many people say that they believe in god and the bible, but would not follow its' rules. It's also why the religious people insist that one should follow the rules, and only later, supposedly, really feel religious and all that nonsense.


So, I don't see how this specific topic would help.  :confused:

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Have you came up with anything yet?  Just curious


Yeah. I posted above, about translating "Putting off Procrastination" (Jan 25, 2008).  :) Here's the translated video, on my channel:




Maybe start with this one! ;)



I just watched it. Sadly, it is irrelevant for Israelis, and seems to be aimed at non-zionists. I posted on the Youtube comments, and here's my explanation:


I am a born & raised Israeli, and ethnic Jew. Zionism is illogical, and evil in practice.

Sadly, most ignorants and zionists will refute this video by claiming that:


1) Jews escaped anti-semitism and the horrors of the holocaust, and could only find refuge in Israel.

[Even though most Jews were (and up until recent years) enjoying wealth and freedom in America.]


2) The zionists in Israel, at its' declaration, were defending their right to live on those lands, and all Arab casualties were the result of their own militias aggressing against Jews. Especially, when the Jews have the ancient (biblical) right to live on these lands.

[Even though the ideology behind the state of Israel puts Jews above all others, and so, by necessity, harms all the Arabs, who already live there.]


Zionism is the ideology of a state - in Israel, a government and law that regards Jews above all others. It is racist, ignores the human rights of all non-Jews, and is detrimental to their well-being! And it is detrimental to the mental well-being of all Jewish Israelis, turning them into nationalists, equal in zeal to the German Neo Nazies and to the Chinese Communists!

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Yeah. I posted above, about translating "Putting off Procrastination" (Jan 25, 2008).  :) Here's the translated video, on my channel:





I just watched it. Sadly, it is irrelevant for Israelis, and seems to be aimed at non-zionists. I posted on the Youtube comments, and here's my explanation:

I guess I am confused by what you mean to be relevant then.  Israel has Zionism, it has Religion and Statism as well as child abuse and circumcision , yet you pick procrastination?  I am really not sure what you mean by relevant at this point.  I guess I have a question so I can understand you better Question: when you say relevant to Israel, what exaclty are you trying to accomplish?  As in, what do you want people to know/learn?  Information isnt always comfortable.

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when you say relevant to Israel, what exaclty are you trying to accomplish?  As in, what do you want people to know/learn?


I know, from experience, that extreme zealots cannot be argued with, using evidence or logic. That's why all the videos that use those tools, against the common problems in Israel, won't work to help solve them.  :mellow:


However, I have seen how learning a generally beneficial and logical perspective on life, does, eventually, make a big difference in turning zealots into regular confused individuals, who are then willing to reconsider previous prejudice. For example, I've seen how Buddhist teachings and practices, with emphasis on meditation, have given many Israelis a place of calm and sense, where they can use logic, inside this chaotic society. That's what I'm interested in replicating, but with a method that has no religious connotations.


I want people to learn to think, and then take action according to their conclusions.


I'm basically looking to make practical & moral philosophy popular, by not touching on the most sensitive issues - politically, and then letting people lead their own minds to those places, after gaining those necessary basic thinking skills.  :D

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 I thinks it's a great idea and what a project ! wow.  I am not sure if you acheived 'story of your enslavement' translated to Hebrew.  For me, this was my first and introduction to Stefan and one of the most impactful videos of my life so I would highly recommend translating that to Hebrew!  My Hebrew is terrible so I wish I could offer more assistance.  I have lived in Israel for 3 years and the 'control' is so obvious to me.  Had I moved here 10 years ago, I would be another slave but now that I how to recognize invisible shackles, it's clear the amount of collectivism and lack of real philosophy and consistancy I see here.  Don't get me wrong, I love the people here but as far as a shift of consciousness that could help the economy on local/national levels, solution approaches to the Palestinians conflicts, etc it's severely lacking.  



So I would really rally behind translating "Story of your Enslavement" first and foremost.   :)


I would also recommend searching on youtube "Philosophy of Liberty'.


 It's a short ( I think 8 minutes) animation with text video that could easily be translated to Hebrew (easy for me to say! HAHA).  Anyway, what I notice in Israel is that their version of 'liberty' and what they THINK Democracy is, is not what it really is, if that makes sense.  


Their version of freedom, equality, etc is only in comparison to their rigidly theocratic neighbors.  It's like putting a good looking person next to a deformed, maimed person and bragging how beautful they are  lol  But it doesn't define beauty.  So I feel the short video thoroughly, quickly and practically shows what liberty is and isn't and allows one to think how that is applied or not applied in current society.  

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So I would really rally behind translating "Story of your Enslavement" first and foremost.   :)


That's a great video podcast to translate, Regev! Thanks for the recommendation. I'll try to get an extra person to help translating it, and if I can't, then I'll do it myself this month.




Anybody here interested in helping with the translation of this video? Contact me for details. It's just menial labour, for a Hebrew speaker.

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Well, I have become excited about translating this other short video, which I feel is very relevant to the modern philosophical perspective we all share, so I translated it myself.  :cool:



This is on my channel. I'll contact the team by email, and see if they'd like to add my subs to the official videos, as well. I thought they'd notice this thread, by now, but I guess they're too busy. No biggy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Phuein,

Greate initiative, i'll be happy to help you with this project.

Do you want to do only FDR videos or maybe use some other material on anarchism?

There's some good an short videos out there i can refer to you.

Maybe we can talk it over via email or Skype?

Let me know if your interested and we'll find a way to get in touch.

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Let me know if your interested and we'll find a way to get in touch.


Hey. Let's keep the conversation here, in case others want to join in. I'm seeing you're from Israel, too. What suggestion do you have for us to work on? :D Nothing over 15 minutes or so, I hope.

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There's one from Larken Rose:



This one explain the government in a humoristic way:

Government explained.


Look for Josie outlaw youtube channel, she's got good short videos about anarchy.

Larken Rose channel is also greate.

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I disagree with the "us versus them" dichotomy, which leads to protests and revolutions, that had constantly shown to be a venture of martyrdom, disaster, and failure in achieving actual goals. This is the first video.


The second video is even worse, as a form of victim blaming, and again it will result in stupid behavior. To have an "alien" disagree with human behavior, is akin to having humans disagree with ants. It's meaningless. While that doesn't mean that we shouldn't critically review our own societies, because we all should, it does portray the reason for this critical thinking as a self-attack.


Methods of thinking that try to 'achieve their purpose', without being in the context of the problem, always lead to confusion in action, lack of motivation, lack of understanding of principles, and the harm of lives.  :mellow:


I'm sorry this response comes out as a refute about the presentations, rather than anything to do with subtitling them, but I'm sure you have more videos, some of which I would completely agree with you about their validity.  :)

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Video number one, you can disagree with the divide idea but isn't it the reality?

The point of the video as i understand it is to show the absurdity of the concept itsef.

The same is for the second video, just to show how ridiculus the system is and stimulate some doubt in the mainstream concept.

But that's a metter of opinion ;)

You seem to have a clear idea of what you are looking for so maybe it's best you make your choices.

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You seem to have a clear idea of what you are looking for so maybe it's best you make your choices.


It's not a matter of opinion. I strictly disagree with those videos. They are wrong. However, this thread isn't about discussing them, so I won't go on about that.


I suggested you offer more videos, so we might find one that we both agree on. I dislike your sarcasm, as if any disagreement I may have with you, means that it is impossible to find agreement with me on videos that I am not the one to offer.


I hope other people, interested in helping out, don't hesitate to offer videos, even if I might decline them.  :)

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