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Philosophically, Gas or Charcoal?


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Grilling Over Charcoal Is Objectively, Scientifically Better Than Grilling Over Gas




Grilling Over Gas Is Objectively, Scientifically Better Than Grilling Over Charcoal





Gas is more convenient and makes food taste like bacon.

Charcoal gets much hotter than gas, making for better crusts and sears.


And, apparently you can't have both.


The closest I get on steaks, by the way, is Sous Vide at 134F, plop them on a 425 degree baking steel at the top of the oven, and fire off the broiler for about a minute. Close second is a baked cast iron skillet and a butane torch.

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Philosophically, I'd say vegetables.


Ah, the debate is just as much of a conundrum for veggies. Do you prefer the flavor and consistency of gas or the brilliant char of charcoal?


For veggies, I like to stuff them with cream cheese and spices and grill them over gas in a little tray that holds them upright. The trick is to get them crunchy but not dried out.

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