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I feel broken, will somebody please talk to me, looking for a chat buddy


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If you get depressed easily, maybe don't read this -


I have no friends, nobody to talk to, nobody to listen. I also feel like I will never have friends (or "buddys"). Even though I've improved my social skills in the past year, I still fall so far behind others. I feel self-conscious, unable to look another person in the eye. I walked past a girl today in my apartment complex. I saw her polite smile in the corner of my eye as she passed, but I walked past as if she wasn't ever there. I feel hollow and plastic. I would love to have smiled back and said hi, but I could not.


I have no idea how to express my emotions. I have no emotions. I feel nothing. No anger, happiness, excitement, sadness. Everything I see is nothing to me. I finally got the internship I've wanted for years to push my career foward, but I feel no happiness. The only thing I feel, whenever I do feel, is guilt and fear.


I'm guilty of only ever coming on here when I'm desparate. I don't take the time to gain self-knowledge. I'm scared, I want help. Most of the time I go through my life feeling nothing, pretending everything is fine. I day dream a lot about being powerful, about someday coming back to the people I knew from high school and surprising them all with how rich and successful I am (in my head).


Its weird, most of the time I NEVER feel like anything is wrong. I feel comfortable. But once every 4 or 5 months, I find myself in a bout of depression and anxiety (which is what I feel now). I feel fear and guilt. Then after a week or two I get distracted by something else, like school work or some new thing I find on the internet (idk, like Reddit). Then I go another 4 or 5 months feeling nothing. I'm SICK of feeling nothing. I want to feel, anger, sadness, happiness, excitement. This time, I'm afraid I will get distracted again and find myself back on here doing the same thing 4 or 5 months from now...



Is there anybody on here who is willing to maybe set up a chat room on Facebook or some other medium? I'd love to Skype, but I really can't with my brother always around, he'd hear everything although I'm sure there will be points where he won't be here. I feel like I just need somebody who I could talk to regularly about life, emotions, and things that I never get to share. I have no idea what I'm doing right or wrong with my actions and thoughts. I need verification.


Thank you for reading and replying, I feel a bit better writing this, although I want to cry right now, but my brother is here.


EDIT: I also wanted to add how shameful I feel for coming on here and asking FDR for so much, and yet I don't even try myself. If you don't feel like responding, then I understand.

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I need verification.


This bit struck me as a little odd because for me verification reminds me of school stuff, like grading tests and whatnot. You submit a test, and that test is verified against a standard. Anything that deviates from the standard is wrong, everything that is common with the standard is correct. Is this the meaning for you too?

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Thank you guys for messaging me and being so outgoing and willing to help. I really appreciate the replies.



This bit struck me as a little odd because for me verification reminds me of school stuff, like grading tests and whatnot. You submit a test, and that test is verified against a standard. Anything that deviates from the standard is wrong, everything that is common with the standard is correct. Is this the meaning for you too?

Well, I kind of meant I needed to make sure my thoughts weren't overly strange or derived from my own neglect to my emotional development. I should have used a better word. I just feel like a lot of my feelings and emotions shouldn't be what they are. For example, for some reason, even immediately after I just met a new person, I get extremely jealous and hurt when I see them talking to somebody else other than me. And it is more so for women, but men as well. Its seems like attachment issues or something.

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