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Javascript programmer needed for Ancap-style game.


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I hope I've not broken any rules by posting this here, I didn't see any rules against this.


I'm in the process of making a browser-based mmorpg game made with websockets and HTML5/javascript.  I'm at the point of needing the GUI started.  It will be pure javascript/HTML in order to appeal to a wider audience.  (using the same technology as mozilla's Brwoser Quest: http://browserquest.mozilla.org )  Graphic design would be awesome as well (not required). The game has a few unique features where players get to play in an ancap-style sandbox kind of world. I am unable to financially compensate you for this.  The only benefit in it for you is the enjoyment of working on a project with like-minded individuals, and if the project ends up actually getting finished- I'm happy to split the profits (we can work this out if you're down on doing the project).The current team consists of myself (python programmer working on the server mainly), and my friend who is working on balances, play-testing, and will deal with the legal stuff down the road (incorporating and other annoying statist business crap).  I spend less than 5hrs a week on this, so it's not a high-pressure project.


Please message me if you're at all interrested, if you have any ideas, or suggestions on where to find someone who might fit the above description.

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It sounds like the javascript side is by far the most amount of work for a project like this. It comes off like you are asking someone to do most of your work for you with no compensation. I doubt someone experienced enough to know how much work that is is going to be interested in an offer like that.


I don't mean to be a jerk or rain on your parade or anything, really. It's just that I don't think you understand how much you are asking of someone.


And you didn't put forward any reason to do it beyond the fact that I would be working with some nice guys. What makes this MMO better than the others out there? I don't know what "ancap-style sandbox world" means. What's the value proposition?

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I hope I've not broken any rules by posting this here, I didn't see any rules against this.


I'm in the process of making a browser-based mmorpg game made with websockets and HTML5/javascript.  I'm at the point of needing the GUI started.  It will be pure javascript/HTML in order to appeal to a wider audience.  (using the same technology as mozilla's Brwoser Quest: http://browserquest.mozilla.org )  Graphic design would be awesome as well (not required).The game has a few unique features where players get to play in an ancap-style sandbox kind of world. I am unable to financially compensate you for this.  The only benefit in it for you is the enjoyment of working on a project with like-minded individuals, and if the project ends up actually getting finished- I'm happy to split the profits (we can work this out if you're down on doing the project).The current team consists of myself (python programmer working on the server mainly), and my friend who is working on balances, play-testing, and will deal with the legal stuff down the road (incorporating and other annoying statist business crap).  I spend less than 5hrs a week on this, so it's not a high-pressure project.


Please message me if you're at all interrested, if you have any ideas, or suggestions on where to find someone who might fit the above description.


You seem unaware of the amount of work making a game takes. If you're going to pitch people on volunteering for a good cause you should at least make it clear that you are running a solid operation and you've thought through the hurdles. If you're only putting 5 hours a week into it then this mythical java programmer is going to be putting in 80 hour weeks if this project is going to get anywhere before the end of civilization as we know it.


I have a suggestion. download the free version of Gamemaker https://www.yoyogames.com/studio and throw together some kind of prototype to show people what you're doing and get them interested. (hell you could even build it in Gamemaker, they support HTML5)



I don't mean to be a jerk or rain on your parade or anything, really. It's just that I don't think you understand how much you are asking of someone.


You are asking the questions that need asking and unfortunately this is a parade that needs some rain.

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The game concept allows for a small group of programmers to make a big mmorpg.


While I appreciate the criticism it's all stuff I've thought about already and I don't want to publicly tell too many people about the concept.  I'm wondering if this sort of project is of any interrest to anyone (if I had heard about such a project I would jump on board right away lol).


A bit on me: I've been a programmer for 3 years at an awesome market research company.  I've created a few small-scale games before, but nothing like a mmorpg.

I've done a fair bit of research on the subject.  I've read through this entire blog, and I'm using the pub/sub technique this blog talks about: http://onlinegametechniques.blogspot.ca/search?updated-max=2009-03-16T09:00:00-07:00&max-results=7&start=35&by-date=false&m=1


The game is at the point where it could start to benefit from graphics, the server has got player movement, attacks, items and monsters mostly done.  Won't be crazy 3d graphics or anything, we'll be using sprites and stuff like "Dart" is cool, as long as it turns into javascript in the end product.

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  • 1 month later...

..a nice standalone game (not something static like a card game poker or bridge)  in js...mmm 1-2 month of hard work doing it in  40 hours per week free time., (including good graphic design). so that 8*40 hours = 320 hours, to create a game like "angry birds" for a seasoned professional.


MMPORG,? most of the work will be the massive infrastructure on the backend connecting thousands of people in realtime, of course depends on complexity of the game.


But was thinking about a game that would be enjoyable to play and teach maybe some ancap virtues aswell.

More like a "propaganda" (for lack of a better word) tool.

I hope you will be successfull.


You can learn javascript yourself, it would take approx 40   hours of study.


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Not well enough to make games though, much less one of this size.


Sure you can, javascript is not rocket science (rocketry isnt a science to begin with but thats something else)...,building the game however...will take some time, that is for sure.


Aslo javascript is a language, building software is more then learning a language.. but like the poster said..in the first post.., he is already a skilled programmer.

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Aslo javascript is a language, building software is more then learning a language.. but like the poster said..in the first post.., he is already a skilled programmer.

I'm a professional javascript programmer and have never worked on any front end game mechanics. I could do it, but it would be very difficult and require a shift in paradigm.


"Skilled programmer" is far too vague to be applied willy nilly like that. Skilled programming simply means you understand the language you're using, some best practices and how it fits into your particular industry. You can be good at back end programming and be absolutely terrible at front end (and vice versa).


If you think it's that easy, I suggest you give it a try.


(And again, I wasn't the one who downvoted your post)

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(And again, I wasn't the one who downvoted your post)


"Again" is a strange word in this context, it implies repetition, i dont see where I accused you of downvoting to begin with. Dont worry, i am not accusing you of strawmanning.


To create a simple game takes the 320 hours minimum (i stated this number previously).


I design elec. circuits (power supplies and amplifiers) in my spare time, making games is not my interest right now.



"..You can be good at back end programming and be absolutely terrible at front end (and vice versa)..."

Weird, that was never my experience or that of my co-workers.

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