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The Drug war, Pollution, Uranium, and Bioweapons

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So I was having a debate with my friend, we were talking about prostituion regulation and drug regulation. I managed to prove him wrong with statistics and reasoning towards the deregulation of prostitution, drugs, guns, etc. But then he stumped me on pollution, the sale of uranium to make nuclear weapons, and bioweapons/virus regulation. 


I dislike government like the next guy, but what would keep a person/organization other than governments from making nuclear weapons, bioweapons, and polluting like crazy if there were no regulation on the sale of uranium, the pollution emission, and the lab regulations to keep labs from making bioweaponry?


I get that of course government makes nuclear weapons and probably bioweapons too, but I understand that governments wouldn't want to unleash that on each other because it would detrimental to the leaders (the parasites need the host to live). 


What would keep an evil guy or organization from building nuclear weapons/bioweapons and unleashing them on the world?

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A funny thing to think about is that if you discuss removing government the often response is "but what if another government forms?" But what if we don't steal this, someone else may steal this? But what if we don't rape her, someone else may rape her?


But what if the largest polluters on the planet were removed, someone else 'may' pollute? But what if the largest users of bio arms were stopped, maybe someone else will arm themselves with them?


As you can see these are not really objections, anyone can create these simple hypothetical claims for anything.


But I agree with the previous poster,when it comes down to funding, things become a lot more complicated. Governments can counterfeit their own money or auction off the hundreds of millions of citizens in their tax farm to purchase these monstrosities, they also own a monopoly on morality (laws) so they get to determine what is right and there is no accountability for the insane decisions of these politicians.

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What would keep an evil guy or organization from building nuclear weapons/bioweapons and unleashing them on the world?


Anyone and everyone who finds out about it.


Without government discrimination laws, businesses will be able to refuse sale to anyone for any reason. If some guy seems to be a crazy dick, then they will refuse sale. A company selling uranium or other harmful materials has a strong incentive to do their due diligence on their clients because: 1) they don't want to die a fiery death, and 2) They don't want to be linked to a mass murder and all the negative PR that would result from that.

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