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Where do I go from here

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I was asleep people , a cast iron sheeple for nearly 42 years , I have literally made every financial and relationship mistake possible for the vast majority of my life then over the course of just two weeks in March I discover,

  • Doug Casey
  • Jeff Berwick
  • Mike Maloney 

And of course Stephan Bloody Molyneux....


Now the problem is I am awake , I can see these profound problems with my life and my world and I have no idea of how to proceed.

I have been so used to slogging from day to day within the social frame work of my life to be a good every thing to everyone and have compromised so much of myself over the years I have no idea of where to start.


I am not some wimpy simpering moron , I am simply reaching out to anyone else that has suddenly woken up one day and gone HOLY FUCK WHAT NOW?


Listening to these people and the massive resounding gong of truth , facts and logic they brought to the table lifted a veil from my eyes , the problems is as I stated , what the hell now.


Kind Regards



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Hi Marcus. Welcome to the boards :)


The next thing is to take what you're learning into the real world.


Anarchism is "without rulers", and being that you can't really do much about our political masters, that leaves what is in a lot of ways much more core and important, which are the fascists in our own personal lives.


It would be a shame if you accepted the moral and practical reality of anarchism only to surround yourself with fascists, or being a fascist to yourself.


The tagline for the show is "the logic of personal and political liberty" (personal first). The goal that I have in listening to the show and applying the principles in my own life is to live free, free from political masters, free from abusive people, exploitive narcissists, and free from self attack, self loathing, shame.


When I first realized just how much I didn't know and how fractally wrong I was about the reality I lived in, I spent several years reevaluating all of the values, and goals that I had and built myself back up, starting from first principles, a philosophical core from which I would not easily be shaken.


In starting out any serious inquiry, you've gotta start from what you already know. Socrates says "know thyself".


For me, this involved a lot of therapy, journaling, dream interpretation, epistemology, ethics, and talking to other people going through the same process.


On the other side is certainty.

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You are seeing the world with fresh eyes. Step back and observe. Take no action.


Get your bearings. Find your balance. 


If you are asking others what you should do with your life..... stand still and don't make a move. 


Your heart is your guide. Learn to listen to it first. 


The answer to your question is not where you should go, but where you should look. 



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Go back and question a lot of your beliefs and why you hold them, one thing that's very helpful is to have a coherent world view that makes sense and you can use to guide your actions. Many people that "wake up" are shocked to learn something they profoundly believed was simply false, but odds are if you believed one thing without good reason that you believe some other things without good reason as well.

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