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Cluttering/Stuttering - Does anyone else here have this?


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I thought it would get better for me as I age but apparently it's not. My mind thinks way too fast and deeply when I am in verbal conversation which affects the fluency of my speech and makes me sound like an idiot. I was wondering if anyone else is dealing with this and how you are managing it? I recently came across DAF software for Android so I am looking forward to using that.

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Depends on WHY it occurs. In my case, my abusive father tends to cut me off just a few words in, which puts a pressure on me to be quick. Also, he's full of inconsistencies and contradictions, so I have to think quick to try and maintain balance in the moment during those times. Between the two, I can sometimes stutter or otherwise not communicate coherently. Once I realized these things (and that he's a petty tyrant in general), it was easier to be calm when communicating. At least in terms of external expression. I still feel hearth-pounding (literally) anxiety over the fact that if I step over his imaginary lines too far, he can and will threaten me with my home.

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