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Wrong about Bitcoin?

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Hey guys


I'm just spit-balling here, but isn't it fundamentally kind of nuts all of the current efforts that are going into spreading the acceptance off Bitcoin? I mean it's all well and good that Bitcoin is accepted at the local coffee shop and there are people trying to make Bitcoin ATMs. But all that stuff seems to be barking up the wrong tree.


I mean the dollar and other fiat currency sucks, but it's fine for buying a coffee with, it just sucks to be paid in fiat, and to try saving your money in fiat, and being at the mercy of the government printing more fiat... 


It's nice that you can buy more and more things online with bitcoin, since online shopping can be made better with Bitcoin. Most of them still have government regulations and even sales taxes, but I'm thinking more of things that the government can't stick their fingers into so easily.


I've even seen crowdfunding sites which seem... alright, I guess.


I know Bitcoin itself is revolutionary, but have you seen it being put to revolutionary use?


I don't really know what I'm looking for, but let's say I'm running a business and I want to do everything in bitcoin (and out of sight of the people with guns) from dealing with suppliers, employees and financing all the way to the customer. Is there anything that makes that a real easy process? 


I assume the parts of such a system are out there, and of course you can just pay anyone by copy-pasting Bitcoin addresses, but I guess I'm just saying I'm looking for the Bitcoin 2.0 revolution (like "web 2.0") to take us from the non MTGox bitcoin exchanges to the Facebook and Twitter of Bitcoin.

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yeah no I'm not sure either....


I may be I'm out to lunch at 2 AM here :-P


On the other hand I'm actually looking into ways of starting a business based in Bitcoin. So I have several ideas and something about bitcoin ATMs that are a hastle to use and paying for your coffee with bitcoin struck me as missing the point by several miles.

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Bitcoin isn’t widely accepted, so people need to convert from fiat to BTC and vice versa.  This creates a need for the exchanges which are a choke point where governments can get its tentacles in.  When Bitcoin is more widely adopted people won’t need to use exchanges or any third parties and can just transact in BTC.  I think it is just a matter of time.  Try to search out individuals and businesses that transact in Bitcoin, and don’t do business with any US based firms.

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