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Police throw grenade in babies crib..

Clark Gorny

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Very briefly, a recent incident in which a Stun Grenade was thrown into a Babies crib by a Drug Task Force executing a no knock warrant on a house for the sale of meth. The grenade landed on the 18 month old babies pillow ripping open his chest and burning his face. The baby is now in a coma and has lost one of his lungs. This made me cry and now I am so angry and effected by this, I want to help however I can.


The suspect was not at the house nor were any drugs and a Minivan with Car Seats was parked outside.


Even police procedure states Stun Grenades should be slid on ground not thrown in the air.


This is the same drug task force that killed an innocent pastor in 2009. 


Here are some links below so you can read for yourselves


http://thefreethoughtproject.com/baby-critically-burned-swat-raid-stun-grenade-thrown-crib/ baby critically burned swat raid stun grenade thrown crib 


http://thefreethoughtproject.com/police-defend-raid-tactics-50-drug-sale-horribly-maimed-baby/#D6gyboMMUKLAd7Gr.01 police defend raid tactics 


http://m.ajc.com/news/news/breaking-news/toddler-critically-injured-by-flash-bang-during-po/nf9XM/ toddler critically injured by flash bang


http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2014/05/baby-in-coma-after-police-grenade-dropped-in-crib-during-drug-raid/ baby in coma after police grenade dropped in crib


http://reason.com/blog/2014/05/30/sheriff-in-burned-baby-raid-wants-your-p Sheriff wants your prayers


http://www.fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/drug-task-force-that-burned-a-toddler-this-week-also-killed-an-innocent-pastor-in-2009/90365 drug task force that burned toddler also killed innocent pastor


http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2014/05/robert-farago/from-the-annals-of-police-militarization-ga-swat-burn-toddler-with-stun-grenade/ annals of police militarization

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Extremely disturbing story, I had to make this meme graphic for it.  Feel free to share it wherever you want.  It's horrific, but one of the big problems with society is that there's a whole lot of fantasty violence reaching eyeballs and not enough real violence.


I don't understand why they have to bust into homes to catch a guy.  Can't they track him and have a guy tackle him in a Wal-Mart parking lot or something?  Lure him into an area and lock him in?  Where is the clever police work?  They have to bring a tank to every little fight.


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This whole thing is so disgusting. I don't even know what to say. 

I wonder how perverse the destruction has to get before more people say no more.

 I'm not sure, but somehow I don't think that it will be before task forces, in the interest of officer safety, start using attack helicopters or drones to deliver the no-knock warrants micro-printed on the depleted-uranium tipped bullets they use to pacify the suspect's residence from miles away. I'm sure they will find a way to do it in a completely lawful manner.

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The worst thing about this whole incident is that has mostly blown over in the news already.   For a minute there I thought there might be some real public outcry out there among the muggles.


This speaks volumes about just how sick society has become in the USA.  If this isn't enough to get people to wake up, what is?  Probably nothing.

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I don't understand why they have to bust into homes to catch a guy.  Can't they track him and have a guy tackle him in a Wal-Mart parking lot or something?  Lure him into an area and lock him in?  Where is the clever police work?  They have to bring a tank to every little fight.


The police force is becoming more and more militarized, these cowards just love blowing shit up and prancing around in their G.I Joe gear getting to play Mr Bad Ass. When they blow up a kid they just shrug it off and blame the person they were trying to apprehend. The fact that the guy they were looking for wasn't even there nor were any drugs doesn't even faze these people. They are completely incompetent and completely immune to any consequences for their actions. Only way to defend against these brutes is a strong community.

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