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Yet another terrible article, this time about the Men's Rights Movement

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One of the most irritating parts about taking the red pill (for me) is being subjected to entertainment outlets covering serious topics. Rarely if ever is there any transparency with regards to their own capacity for error or lack of familiarity with the topic before making finite statements in front of a large audience.


To me, any presentation that assumes the gullibility of its audience is patently false.

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its everywhere now , even news outlets i never thought off as lefty or feminist are now regularly posting feminist victimhood storys. They must have caught on to the backlash, the facts and critical thinking that MGTOW bring to the table must be frightening. I really despise feminism , i hated feminism before i even knew what it was , i liked some feminist facebook pages just to read whats going on but had to unsubscribe because itd consume and waste to much time getting in arguments. But now people im freinds with are even posting things and writing poems of victimhood , one of which doesnt want to be objectified but has slept with a tremendous amount of people. http://everydayfeminism.com/2014/05/feminism-and-anxiety/ heres an article which claims feminism to be the cure for anxiety , i find this disgusting recruitment strategy , preying on the weak and vulnerable

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One of the reasons I don't read Cracked anymore. What used to be a collection of somewhat humorous articles on offbeat topics has turned to something else. For a while, it seemed every other article had some weird snarky remark against Ayn Rand, or Atlas Shrugged - that seemed very strained to inject. Even if I wasn't a Rand fan I would have been puzzled by the inserts - they were that out of place. Now it seems to throw out a few articles a week that are full blown socialist propaganda, heavy on ad hominem, well poisoning, and very light on facts or truth. Much like the article in this thread.

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