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Manipulative people say the darndest things


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My mom, in another wave of manipulative confrontation, told me today that FDR is a subdivision of Scientology to recruit new members. Yeah... something tells me she's running out of tactics.


What ridiculous things have manipulative people said to you?

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That's the second time I've heard someone claiming fdr advocated for Scientology. I wonder where they're getting that impression from?

The Scientologists are lonely.

It's easier to attack something if you associate it with something people already dislike. 

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My mom thanking me for "going along with her request" after telling me where I can and can't go or what I can and can't do with my life (even though I am basically an independent adult). Like I ever had a choice.


When my family members tell me I'm "too sensitive" when I start crying because something they said or did hurt me. Now it makes me feel like I don't even deserve to tell people about things that bother me like that, because it must be less of a big deal than I make it out to be.

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Ouch, these things hurt like hell. 


"I hate people who behave like they were in midst of depression when they are not," when I told her I feel so bad I don't feel like life is worth living.


that's shit terrible....


Can see the link to Dylan post because it's been my experience people who make such dismissive little statements,

are nearly always the worst culprits themselves? recursive irony as he said...or just downright projection.


I remember this girl I was seeing, had known her on/off for years and one day we got talking about people we'd gone to school with and she brought up this goth lad in our class, saying something along the lines of,


'I've got him added on Facebook and he just posts update after update about how depressed he feels and it really annoys me because he never does anything about it, get therapy or something, he's just wallowing in self-pity'


No empathy for the guy, he's just 'annoying', 


Yet she would regularly complain to me about how stressful her job was, how she never got any recognition for all the work she was putting in and how her colleagues/superiors were all dicks/bitches towards her....and as far as I know she's probably still in the same job.


Although that's manipulative people all over?


'These are the standards you can apply to me' *pointing to the ground*

'Those are the standards I can apply to you' *pointing to the sky*

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My aunt coming up to me and saying "I haven't gotten a chance to talk with you for a while" while I'd been playing the piano. She continues to chat with me over my music and gets upset at me for ignoring her. Then literally pulling my arm away from the piano (I am 22) while I am playing because I was ignoring her and, finally interrupting me successfully, she pulls up a chair next to me and starts to give me negative criticism about how my playing was not interesting to her, then beginning to talk about her favorite music, about her experience seeing a live professional musician in concert and how exciting that experience was for her; how Jerry Lee Lewis's opening band was much more exciting than Willie Nelson, who didn't come back on stage, but Jerry Lee Lewis came out in his place and was ecstatic to play again. She was asking if I could play "Great Balls of Fire" on the piano the way Jerry Lee Lewis did moving all around the place. I think she was hinting I was like a boring and depressing Willie Nelson and without balls of fire; in a sense indirectly hinting at my emasculation.


What she should have said is "I haven't gotten a chance to talk at you for a while".


This was at a family get together and I kind of felt dis-enthused after that and went up to my bedroom. My mom came into my room after a while and started talking about how my alienating behavior was exacerbating my problems and that I needed to be social, to "be around people" to be able to get a job, to find friends etc.. Of course she swung it that not being around family is what is causing my social anxiety. I should have asked her "Then, how is it that being around family for 22 years hasn't worked for me yet?"



Of course, they actually fear losing me as someone to feed off of. My mom at the time's "solution" was to remove internet from the house. Because it is hard for her to feed on others when they have a means of escaping her bulimic emotional projectile regurgitation. Isolation is not the answer for me, but isolation for her and my father from the outside world is the answer for them.



My mom after I told my mom that being around family makes me anxious: "You are feeding your anxiety by not fighting it."

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My aunt coming up to me and saying "I haven't gotten a chance to talk with you for a while" while I'd been playing the piano. She continues to chat with me over my music and gets upset at me for ignoring her. Then literally pulling my arm away from the piano (I am 22) while I am playing because I was ignoring her and, finally interrupting me successfully, she pulls up a chair next to me and starts to give me negative criticism about how my playing was not interesting to her, then beginning to talk about her favorite music, about her experience seeing a live professional musician in concert and how exciting that experience was for her; how Jerry Lee Lewis's opening band was much more exciting than Willie Nelson, who didn't come back on stage, but Jerry Lee Lewis came out in his place and was ecstatic to play again. She was asking if I could play "Great Balls of Fire" on the piano the way Jerry Lee Lewis did moving all around the place. I think she was hinting I was like a boring and depressing Willie Nelson and without balls of fire; in a sense indirectly hinting at my emasculation.


What she should have said is "I haven't gotten a chance to talk at you for a while".


This was at a family get together and I kind of felt dis-enthused after that and went up to my bedroom. My mom came into my room after a while and started talking about how my alienating behavior was exacerbating my problems and that I needed to be social, to "be around people" to be able to get a job, to find friends etc.. Of course she swung it that not being around family is what is causing my social anxiety. I should have asked her "Then, how is it that being around family for 22 years hasn't worked for me yet?"



Of course, they actually fear losing me as someone to feed off of. My mom at the time's "solution" was to remove internet from the house. Because it is hard for her to feed on others when they have a means of escaping her bulimic emotional projectile regurgitation. Isolation is not the answer for me, but isolation for her and my father from the outside world is the answer for them.



My mom after I told my mom that being around family makes me anxious: "You are feeding your anxiety by not fighting it."


How insufferable...with people like that, I've developed this unhealthy phrase, "how do you not kill yourself?"

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It wasn't really a manipulative statement, but the other day my dad said: "Children choose their parents." He believes in past lives, karma, and god and says religious claims don't need evidence to support them.  :ermm:


Nope. That's manipulative. Masking manipulation by saying "I believe in ____" is also manipulation.  incepulation?

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It wasn't really a manipulative statement, but the other day my dad said: "Children choose their parents." He believes in past lives, karma, and god and says religious claims don't need evidence to support them.  :ermm:


When I read  that in a Deepak Chopra book, that's when I decided to drop him and his pseudo wisdom altogether. You choose your parents because your soul needed specific lessons to learn.

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