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Manhood Academy makes anarchy look foolish

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This is a debate between Professor Plum of Manhood Academy and MGTOW advocate Psychological Cynic. Towards the second half PC brings up anarchy and fumbles all the arguments, allowing the Professor to walk all over him using arguments that have been refuted a million times (how will roads work without government?, anarchy is utopia, etc). 

I felt embarrassed listening to this because even a highly intelligent person like the professor can make anarchy appear foolish in minutes. Anarchy is the correct position so I suggest there is something wrong with the general presentation of it. 



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So Manhood Academy is a site where people that have trouble getting in a relationship seek the advice of self-proclaimed anonymous relationships gurus... I don't even...


Something tells me the admins are the kind of people that brag on and on that they banged infinity chicks already by the age of 5.

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I've Heard Plum debate and he's a pretty sharp debator. He reminds me of Bill Gaede's sidekick 'FatFist'. Both of them are pretty abusive to their debating partners. And they both take great pleasure in not just winning the argument, but completely humiliating them as well. I've yet to listen to the above (at work), but I already sense exactly how this debate probably transpired.

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If you skim through their book, you will see how they advocate and even offer child abuse as a solution to "impose your authority"


That's all you need to know. I originally thought "wow, I can't wait to read this amazing book" only to find this primitive ape-like shit about beating your children.

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