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Hillary Clinton: "We were 'dead broke' after leaving White House"

Alan C.

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Clintons 'dead broke' after White House? Actually, they earned over $12M that year


Technically, Bill and Hillary Clinton were in debt when they left the White House. Financial forms filed for 2000 show assets between $781,000 and almost $1.8 million -- and liabilities between $2.3 million and $10.6 million, mostly for legal bills.But as the outgoing first couple, they had tremendous earning potential. And within just one year, their financial troubles were effectively gone.Hillary Clinton's Senate disclosure forms show that in 2001, they reported earning nearly $12 million. Most of that came from Bill Clinton's speechmaking, and the rest came from an advance for Hillary Clinton's book.And that didn't even include Hillary Clinton's Senate salary, Bill Clinton's pension or money made on investments.As soon as they left the White House, Hillary Clinton entered the Senate and was earning a $145,000 salary; her husband's pension was also north of $150,000.All told, their financial snapshot in 2001 was drastically different than when they left the White House -- assets were listed at between $6 million and $30 million; liabilities were between $1.3 million and $5.6 million. And despite their financial issues, they got help from family friend and fundraiser Terry McAuliffe (now, the governor of Virginia) to secure a loan at the time for a $1.7 million home in Chappaqua, N.Y.


Bill and Hillary Clinton top list of richest ex-first families 

...according to financial records and news reports, they have earned at least $155 million from speeches, salaries and book deals...


. . .


...through the kindness of friends and the successful and richly-funded Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, they've received travel and other benefits. The Foundation itself has assets of $257 million and has spent $50 million on travel expenses.Overall, their net worth is about $80 million...


Chelsea Clinton was paid $600K by NBC


Uh, why?


Chelsea Clinton: Bill Clinton's actions 'taught me the importance of doing right'


Clintons Use Trusts to Limit Estate Taxes

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The Clintons have no ability to differentiate fact from fantasy. They would be lucky to be janitors in a free society. They are natural cretins and anyone with an ounce of self knowledge sees them for the parasites they are. Unfortunately, the other 99.99% of the public thinks they are great because of the "authority" delusion.

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Bill Clinton budgeted to receive nearly $1 million in taxpayer money in 2014


An April Congressional Research Service (CRS) report shows that the Government Services Administration (GSA), which is in charge of supporting federal disbursements, budgeted $950,000 for former president Bill Clinton in the 2014 budget.Clinton will collect a $201,000 pension in 2014, a figure four times larger than the median family income in the United States. The Clintons have received a total of $15,938,000 in federal money since 2001.. . .Clinton’s pension is just a small portion of the costs the former president will incur over the next year. GSA budgeted $450,000 to pay for Clinton’s office space, the highest total of the four living presidents.
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You guys don't seem to realize how hard it is to pay for all those estates, travel, private school, and bribery.  I'm sure they meant it when they said they were struggling financially... They were just struggling to live extremely well.  After all, it's hard to get off your ass and do a speech every once in a while, when you've gotten used to napping in afternoons with a free salary and private security for the rest of your life.

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And we think that we have graduated from and grown out of Royalty? This is american royalty basically. Monarchy never left, it just changed it's costume. That is the danger to giving into all these words from control structures. This "ism" or that "ism" it is all one cohesive march towards distraction from the central paradigm of violent domination. They don't care what you call it, as long as the domination continues...

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The Clintons have no ability to differentiate fact from fantasy. They would be lucky to be janitors in a free society. They are natural cretins and anyone with an ounce of self knowledge sees them for the parasites they are. Unfortunately, the other 99.99% of the public thinks they are great because of the "authority" delusion.


While I get where you are coming from, I don't think they are dumb people. Hillary seems highly intelligent. She just uses it to take advantage of the public. 

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I believe Hillary bringing up this topic of conversation occured during the 2008 Dem primary race...Hillary had to reach for something to make her look more like one of the "common people" because even though Barack Obama was 100% a member of the "1%" people were rallying against, that narrative somehow got left out...


The Clintons were "broke" the same way that Donald Trump was "broke"...rich people being broke and poor people being broke are not remotely the same thing.

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