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I seem to be continually drawn to arguments and controversy in online political forums and the like. This has got to the point where it both takes up too much of my time, and where I risk damaging my reputation, losing friends and alienating people (since I hold certain heretical views). Also, losing sleep and gaining wrinkles.


I would quite like to wean myself from this bad habit and wonder if anyone has any suggestions. I would imagine there is an emotional reason for the compulsion beyond the rational (or rationalised) justification of refuting error and spreading awareness etc. One gets off on having a righteous rant. However you can take a thing too far.


Something Stefan said on his recent video 'The Bomb in the Brain' gave me pause, along the lines of that people who had experienced trauma sometimes find a need to put themselves back into stressful situations. (Online arguing, and also reading of upsetting articles, etc. do cause me stress, so why don't I avoid this and concentrate on more practical things, more positive things, and things that affect me more directly? 


My childhood was fairly miserable, since my parents often argued,my father had issues with alcoholism, and I was bullied at school. I have a bad feeling that my ability to kick arse in debates may be compensating for feelings of powerlessness in my early and personal life.



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