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capitalism and the labor market

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so im reading some candidates pages, and dave brat apparently defeated eric cantor in a primary.


on his page http://davebratforcongress.com/issues/ he says

"Adding millions of workers to the labor market will force wages to fall and jobs to be lost."


to me that just sounds wrong, like national socialism or something. i would think adding millions of workers in a free market would cause economic growth to skyrocket. the mindset of more workers meaning more threat to jobs seems like something that leads to china's one child only policy or some other totalitarian policy.

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A wage is a price, just like any other price, which is dictated by supply and demand.


Increasing the supply of labor, while keeping the quantity of jobs artificially constricted through regulatory barriers, could depress wages.


It depends upon the job, too. Millions of unskilled immigrants pouring across the border probably won't have an effect on high-tech jobs.

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supply and demand wise, government regulations seem to be what government can do( or not do). i would think a capitalist would go after the government regulations, and maybe a socialist would go after the number of labor force.


unskilled labor must work to become skilled labor, or allow new types of unskilled labor as the labor market changes. more people would naturally mean more jobs i would think, at least need for productivity to provide for what people consume.


usa already has socialist policies paying people more to not be in the labor market than a labor market would pay, and this is all just being paid by debt and fiat currency rather, as well as the productivity of those in the labor market.

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