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Elon Musk, chief executive of Tesla Motors Inc., said Thursday that he was opening up the electric car company’s patents to all comers.

“Technology leadership is not defined by patents, which history has repeatedly shown to be small protection indeed against a determined competitor,” Musk said, “but rather by the ability of a company to attract and motivate the world’s most talented engineers.”

The dramatic move — automakers and other businesses usually guard patents jealously — is intended to help speed the adoption of electric cars. Many of the patents relate to electric powertrains and how to integrate them into vehicles, Musk said.

The patents should provide modest help to other automakers without hurting Tesla, he said.




It looks like they realized that they couldn't build the electric car infrastructure by themselves.

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It looks like they realized that they couldn't build the electric car infrastructure by themselves.




Tesla was not the first, Zenith released patents of the color television invention to promot wide adaption of color TV transmissions.




It looks like smart businessmen think alike.
I mean look what has become of AOL, they had a completely closed structure and now they are… I don't even know what they're doing right now.
Also, I feel like everything he said is right. being able to use their patents won't help a big car manufacturer who would have found their way around the patents. 
Patents are a small hurdle for big manufacturers, but more importantly they are a HUGE hurdle for small companies.
Tesla has done a relatively poor job at making affordable electric cars. So if this move can inspire a bunch of people to make electric cars in the garage and start their own companies, then somewhere in that group of people will be someone with an amazing idea will make electric cars viable for the masses. And if Tesla is worried about competition then they can just buy that car company up and incorporated into their company.
It saves time and money that they would be spending tied up in litigation, and they won't be killing off the next great idea.
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You cant expect Tesla to mach output production of say General Motors..at this time.





The bottleneck of the production of electric cars is unfortunatly the world production of li-ion batteries,.., thats why  Tesla is now building the biggest li-ion battery production facility in the world.


So its a smart move to free up the patents..., since they will be in the near future the only battery manufacturing facility to meet demand .



Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk has said that he's considering Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas, as well as California, for his so-called gigafactory. However, company spokesman Simon Sproule declined to comment on the location search.


Now I dont know who will be the major consumers of these batteries, it might aswell be the big manufacturors or might aswell be the selfbuild community whos tinkering their own ecars, ebikes,  (just like in the old compu days where the selfbuild community was huge).

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