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What podcast was this? Have a source?

Guest Ethan Glover

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Guest Ethan Glover

I heard Stefan mention that most criminals say that the first time they ever had control in their lives is when they had a gun pointed at someones head. This was fairly recent, anyone know which episode it was? How about the source for the info? I wanted to incorporate it into a paper, thanks. :D

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Guest Ethan Glover

I can't remember which one, but that quote is definitely from Origins of War in Child Abuse that Stef does the reading for. Here's a playlist: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/search/deMause


Hmm, this was something very recent, but I assume they're probably related. Maybe the recent speech on "The Bomb In The Brain" or "Children Assaulted 936 Time Per Year"? I'll have to start rewatching stuff, I was hoping someone might remember. You've given me a bit of direction though. :)

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Guest Ethan Glover

I'm absolutely 100% certain it is in Origins of War in Child Abuse. He might have said it multiple times, but he got it from Lloyd DeMause who got it from reading studies on inmates.


Ah, OK, I'll take a look at the DeMause interview then and make sure to post if I find it. :)

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