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Being guilt tripped into taking care of my grandma...again.


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This is my first post. I will post an introduction in the intro forum after this post. I just need to get this off my chest.



At 21 years old i moved out of the house and moved abroad for 3.5 years.  I then moved back in with my parents 1.5 years ago. During this time ( in the 1.5 years) i also flew to another country (1 hour fight) to take care of my grandma for 3 months. Coinsidentally my uncle and auntie live in the same house as my grandma (middle and top floor). They normally take care of my grandma. Bills, doctor appointments etc. But they work during the day and often times also like to go on vacation.The main reason why i took care of my grandma the first time is 'cos i was broke and my mum wanted to kick me out of the house. (various reasons but mainly cos at 24 yrs old i started to say things about the religion i grew up in that she finds offensive.)Last November when i moved back to my parents house after looking after my grandma for 3 months i started contributing a lot more. I pay my mum $680/month rent (actually for the first 2 months it was $610/month but she suddenly changed her mind one month without telling me and demanded $680/month. I also do a lot of chores around the house and garden. Roughly 15 hours/week. So in my mind i'm helping her quite a bit.I owe my mum quite a bit of money though. She demands that i pay her back the money she spent on me while i was at college, because i decided i didn't want to do a bachelors.She also paid a bank that i owed $2.5k to 'cos i didn't pay the monthly fee that i was supposed to for a loan.So ok...2 weeks ago my mum said i should go fly back to my grandma and take care of her 'cos my grandma is not doing so well. I asked my mum why she can't take care of her own mother and why i have to do it. She told me 'cos she has to work. My grandma also has a successful son who owns his own business and also has 3 kids between 16-25 years old and all live 30min away from my grandma. So i'm always perplexed why i'm the one who has to fly to a different country to take care of my grandma when my grandma has 2 of her children and 3 grandchildren minutes away.2 days ago my auntie (who lives in the same house as my grandma) broke her arm.So the desire from everyone to get me to go has greatly increased.


My auntie has always treated me well, but i have a huge problem with my uncle. He doesn't talk a lot and doesn't like me talking about things like government, politics etc. i still remember he slapped me once when i was 9 years old.The question is, because my auntie has always treated me well, and always insisted that i do things voluntariy, should i fly over there to take care of my grandma and do favours for my auntie until her arm is healed, or should i concentrate on on what i want to do (work and make money). At my grandmas i don't have to pay rent.I also just heard from my dad that he thinks my mum when shes back from abroad that she might kick me out of the house 'cos basically i didn't do as she wanted.I nearly have enough money saved up to fly back abroad and get an ED visa so i can learn the language for 3 years. (i work online and am self employed)What would you do in my shoes? 

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