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If Athiests Invented Holidays....

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Oh, If atheists invented holidays, how complete the world would feel.

I'd mark the calendar in many ways, there's so much time to steal.


Oh, If atheists invented holidays, what creative minds we'd see.

Festivals with artistic blaze, oh such a world would be.


We'd praise our friends, and count the stars.

We'd morn their ends with rock guitars.


Oh, If atheists invented holidays, in a  world full of  virtues.

May anarchist have their ways,  so all of us may choose. 






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Futurama, I'm not sure whether you deliberately wrote "Anarchist" instead of "Atheist" in the last line.


There are plenty of festivals which I would consider to be "Anarchist" days.


Spain's Tomatina is the most fun you can have with tomatoes. Summer Solstice at Stonehenge is when the gates are opened and you can party amongst the stones (as opposed to regular tourist visits where you can't touch the stones but must gaze respectfully from a distance before you visit the overpriced shop). In the United States, there's Amtrak Mooning Day and of course Burning Man.

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I would declare a "Shoot Fireworks, Grill Burgers and Drink Beer Day"I want my July 4th without the psychotic nationalism


Amen to the party. :)


When it comes to the 4th, I celebrate the Independence and not the martial stuff. That doesn't mean I can't blow something up though.

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