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What is a Sociopath?


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I recommend "The Psychopath Test" by Jon Ronson (amazing read, a bit on the humorous side, it's a first person account of a journey to find out what a psychopath is) and  "The Sociopath Next Door" by Martha Stout (this is more technical book with amazing insights). 

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Thank you everyone. I haven't been able to read the books that you guys suggested and I'm barely into the first video, but someone actually sent me a link in a message to check out. I am still watching the videos though and I am going to look into the books as well, but so far, I am pretty sure my sister is a sociopath or psychopath. Still unsure of what the difference is, but I can't even remember a time where my sister felt a sense of guilt or could understand a single person's emotions, but she is a great actress and is excellent at lying and getting people to believe her, no matter how big the lie and she lies about almost everything.

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If she does things like sadistically manipulate people close to her, she is probably a sociopath.  If she does things like tear her own hair out, cuss out random strangers, or compulsively repeat things, she is probably a psychopath.  Just from the very small bit you said, she sounds like a potential sociopath, as opposed to a psychopath.  Not like I know anything, of course.

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Here are some examples of what she has done.


-When I was 14 years old and she was 10, she came up with an elaborate story of how I raped her. I was questioned by police for about 6 months among the many other tortures I went through. After about 6 months, I was asked to take a polygraph test which I said yes to and I passed. Then she said something like "It must have been a bad nightmare or something" but the problem is that every single person believed her. I was beat by my dad, locked into a room with nothing in it, jumped multiple times when I was able to sneak out of the house when my family went on vacation, got into tons of fights at school, mobs of people in front of my house telling me to come outside so they could kill me, and every person I knew whether it be friend or family would tell me that they hope I either die or go to juvi for being the scum I was. I never got the impression that she cared about what I went through nor did I receive an apology from anyone, let alone her.


-When she was about 16 and I was 20, she was "dating" a friend of mine who was 21. My dad told her that her curfew was 10pm and she didn't want it so she manipulated her boyfriends family, who was close to our family through me, that my dad and I were beating her and that she couldn't handle it anymore. They believed her and were about to come to our house to get all of her stuff so she could live with them. I forget exactly how the issue was solved but I believe my other sister who lived on the other side of the country ended up calling them and telling them they were stupid and that nobody touches her. And no, my dad has never beat either of my 2 sisters, only me, and I have never beat either of my sisters. It was just lies/manipulation.


-She has been caught stealing numerous times from family and friends and instead of apologizing, she always just turns the blame onto them and ends up making people not talk to them... Believe it or not, she is that manipulative and I don't understand how. We currently don't talk to 2 family friends anymore that she stole presents from on Christmas many years back, or to my dads sister and her family that my sister stole a ring from.


-She made up tons of lies about me to my supposed friends, such as how I talk crap about them behind their backs (she gives fake quotes) and when i tell them it isn't true, of course I become the liar while she is the innocent younger sister who is just trying to be a good person.


-She literally talks crap about every single person I know, no matter how nice they are. Just last night, at dinner, she was saying how she wants to backhand my dads fiance's 10 year old son because he is annoying and how when the mom isn't around, she makes fun of his boobs (hes a little chunky) just so he will feel self conscious about himself.


But ya, there are a few examples. Does this stuff seem like examples of a sociopath?

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Here are some examples of what she has done.


-When I was 14 years old and she was 10, she came up with an elaborate story of how I raped her. I was questioned by police for about 6 months among the many other tortures I went through. After about 6 months, I was asked to take a polygraph test which I said yes to and I passed. Then she said something like "It must have been a bad nightmare or something" but the problem is that every single person believed her. I was beat by my dad, locked into a room with nothing in it, jumped multiple times when I was able to sneak out of the house when my family went on vacation, got into tons of fights at school, mobs of people in front of my house telling me to come outside so they could kill me, and every person I knew whether it be friend or family would tell me that they hope I either die or go to juvi for being the scum I was. I never got the impression that she cared about what I went through nor did I receive an apology from anyone, let alone her.


-When she was about 16 and I was 20, she was "dating" a friend of mine who was 21. My dad told her that her curfew was 10pm and she didn't want it so she manipulated her boyfriends family, who was close to our family through me, that my dad and I were beating her and that she couldn't handle it anymore. They believed her and were about to come to our house to get all of her stuff so she could live with them. I forget exactly how the issue was solved but I believe my other sister who lived on the other side of the country ended up calling them and telling them they were stupid and that nobody touches her. And no, my dad has never beat either of my 2 sisters, only me, and I have never beat either of my sisters. It was just lies/manipulation.


-She has been caught stealing numerous times from family and friends and instead of apologizing, she always just turns the blame onto them and ends up making people not talk to them... Believe it or not, she is that manipulative and I don't understand how. We currently don't talk to 2 family friends anymore that she stole presents from on Christmas many years back, or to my dads sister and her family that my sister stole a ring from.


-She made up tons of lies about me to my supposed friends, such as how I talk crap about them behind their backs (she gives fake quotes) and when i tell them it isn't true, of course I become the liar while she is the innocent younger sister who is just trying to be a good person.


-She literally talks crap about every single person I know, no matter how nice they are. Just last night, at dinner, she was saying how she wants to backhand my dads fiance's 10 year old son because he is annoying and how when the mom isn't around, she makes fun of his boobs (hes a little chunky) just so he will feel self conscious about himself.


But ya, there are a few examples. Does this stuff seem like examples of a sociopath?

Wowwwww! Pure evil... I got no idea what that thing is but stay as far away as possible!Also, sorry for the shit she put you through  :(

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Yeah, at that point I don't worry about the precise clinical diagnosis; I just take a giant dose of GTFO ASAP!  Sociopath, sadist, or android, it doesn't really matter.  Get away from the ticking time bomb of abuse!  Dear god man, what are you doing in this woman's proximity?  

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Well, it is my sister but I rarely see her anymore. I still live with my dad as I work on my future and save up to be completely self dependent. However, she doesn't live with us and only comes down once every few months for no more then a day or two and aside from that, I don't talk to her at all. Once I can officially move out and depend on nobody financially, then I will completely cut ties with her and mostly with the rest of my family as well. I will still talk to my other sister and my dad because aside from a few problems we have, we still get along fairly well, but those few problems will either be fixed by me not being there and if they aren't, then ties will be cut completely.


Anyways, I was just trying to understand what a sociopath was because I want to explain to people how my sister is one, but the few times I have tried, everyone pulls the knight routine and jumps in to defend her. The manipulation is strong with this one... She would make an excellent president.

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I recommend "The Psychopath Test" by Jon Ronson (amazing read, a bit on the humorous side, it's a first person account of a journey to find out what a psychopath is) and  "The Sociopath Next Door" by Martha Stout (this is more technical book with amazing insights). 

These books are an excellent start to understanding what a sociopath is.  The sociopath next door is especially useful because it gives real life stories from the victims point of view.  It really helps you learn first hand what it is like to be in a relationship with a sociopath


Does anyone know what exactly defines a person as a sociopath? I think I know the basics, but would like to know exactly what it is. I ask because I am pretty sure my sister is a sociopath if it is what I think it is.


I am not sure if I anyone else said this or not, but the official way to test is by using the PCL-R test.  If you can get a hold of the test and instructions on how to use the test you can figure out within decent precision how likely it is they are a sociopath or a psychopath.  The easiest way would be to buy the inventor of the test's book or take his class, but that can be expensive.  There may be a cheaper/free way online if you look around a bit.  I would start with getting the book through your local library or inter library loaning it.  Below is a link the the PCL-R book I have talked about above.




There is one copy on amazon, but it must be rare because it is insanely pricey


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Anyways, I was just trying to understand what a sociopath was because I want to explain to people how my sister is one...


And what is the benefit of explaining this?  What will be gained if you convince the people in your life that your sister is demon spawn?

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And what is the benefit of explaining this?  What will be gained if you convince the people in your life that your sister is demon spawn?


Well, I do my best to not speak with her and not be around her, and I get crap for it all the time. Of course, I want to rid my surroundings of people who will give me such a hard time for wanting to avoid being attacked, but I currently can't afford to do that. So at least I wanted to have a somewhat technical defense for when I am being given a hard time for staying away from her. But honestly, I mostly just wanted to know for my own benefit of understanding.

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