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A Sailors Life

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Greetings Freedomain Community!


I'm am a 17 year old, and as I reach my last year of public education, I have some decisions to make. I live with my mother and she works a menial $14/Hr job. So we are not exactly financial secure. I have a job but have not saved nearly enough to go to collage, as well I've viewed most of the subjects I'm forced to take as a waste of time (and I have learned MUCH more on my own) so my grades aren't exactly the best, in reality just enough to graduate, except in courses I actually enjoy. So there's not much hope for scholarships. Also I've refused any "financial assistance" from the government on a moral and philosophical stance. So I have no money to go to collage and even if I had the minimal amount needed, I would be in mountains of debt until I'm retiring. I have considered the option of joining the Navy, hoping to take a job within it that would not harm anyone but at the same time would provide me with the money to go to collage as well as benefits to buy a house or start a business. However I've had issues with this because it seems hypocritical to me to join as I am an anarchist and I view taxes (which would pay my salary) and coercion (which the military represents) as completely immoral. At the same time, I NEED collage to get anywhere in this society as well as to pursue my dreams, become credible, expand my knowledge, and to help change the word for the better. In a sense I'm stuck between contradicting my own morals and being able to go to collage for my future success.


What should I do? Is joining the Navy moral as long as I take a position that doesn't harm people? Are there other options available to me I'm just not seeing? How much should I let my personal needs trump my ethics?


Any response would be greatly appreciated. I wasn't exactly sure whether to post this here or in the Philosophical forum so please excuse any misposting.


                                                                                                                                           Thank you again, A Secret Identity.

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Where would the money be coming from if you joined the navy?


It would come from the stolen money of others through taxes which would pay my salary and for the benefits I receive. This is one of the reasons I've rejected joining. But, I still need to go to collage to obtain my own personal goals and help more people in the long run. So, does doing the immoral now for the "greater good" for myself and potentially others trump the immoral act? I would love a third option to my this personal "crisis" but I can seem to find one. 

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I was in the Navy from 2007 to 2012, and I am glad I did it. I saw first hand what is going on though I managed to never go to Iraq or Afghanistan because I did not want to be put in the position to take the life of people I considered innocent. Its a gamble to join now, since you never know what new wars could be started and lots of lives could be lost very quickly, on both sides. I love the education benefits I have now its awesome. You will be alone for the most part with your political views since most of the people in the military are state loving drones. Its a long time to commit, I cant say "yeah go for it!" but I would not judge you at all since many join simply for the chance at getting a proper education and want nothing to do with the war. And its simple, those who think they are being forced to pay taxes that fund the war can just make less money where they cant be taxed, its that simple. 

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I have a few questions and comments that may or may not help.


  • First, what were the classes in highschool you considered a waste of time?
  • What were the classes you enjoyed?
  • If you were able to go to college, what degree would you pursue and why?
  • Aside from joining the Navy, what are some careers that interest you?



At the same time, I NEED collage to get anywhere in this society as well as to pursue my dreams, become credible, expand my knowledge, and to help change the word for the better. In a sense I'm stuck between contradicting my own morals and being able to go to collage for my future success.


Now let me say that I don't know you, and I certainly don't know what's best for you. The following includes my own opinions, and I am not making any recommendations. Just some things to consider.


I didn't learn anything of value in college, and I even graduated in the the top 10%. I majored in Business, which no doubt played a huge role in getting my first job. But I've since quit that job and am now ramping up to start my own business. I'm learning more from research online and from going to the library in the last few months than I learned in five years of college (yes, it took me 5 years because I couldn't decide what degree to get and honestly, I was just going through the motions... "graduate highschool" "go to college" "pick a 'promising' major" "get a 'respectable' job," etc.)


(I'm sure there are some technical degrees and college programs that are worthwhile, but you gotta know who you are, what you want, and how to get it.)


What makes me angry, is now I'm 26 and starting from scratch because I spent all those years in school. What if my family and society had supported me in trying to discover myself earlier and helped me to understand my own real preferences, dreams and personal strengths... then what if they helped me to achieve them rather than shuffling me around and placing such an importance on grades? Maybe I would have been able to start working towards these dreams at 18 (or earlier), rather than post-poning them and now having to start from scratch at 26. Instead, they had a particular path in mind for me, ignored my true desires and my creative ideas, and sometimes outright shut me down.


I like this video, and I share many of the same viewpoints as this guy when it comes to college. Maybe it's worth a watch. Looking forward to your response!


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taking a job that doesn't directly harm somebody frees other people up to harm people directly. every job in the military is either directly, or indirectly, responsible for murder.


with regard to "financial assistance" ("free money" from the govt), I don't think there's anything immoral about taking back a small percentage of what has been stolen from you by force.


You don't have to go to college to get ahead, my understanding is that it's far less important now than it was before and income disparities are no longer what they once were. If you're into tech, for example, school can be far less important than experience."should I let my personal needs trump my ethics"I would say, if you do, they aren't "your" ethics at all.

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The responses above already say my own criticisms of this choice, so I'd like to tackle this from another angle.


I'm a 17 year old...


Yup. You are seventeen! Barely seen the world! Barely experienced life! What's the rush?


As a young adult, you have the special liberty to do all those things, for your personal education and curiosity, that you will not be able to do, as a more responsible adult, not to mention when you might become a father!


This is your time to take adventures! Go out, visit places, try new professions in random venues. Meet new people. Do things that you only dreamed about! Sure, you don't have much money, but you can do so much on a budget, it's ridiculous! You can travel and work as a temp', and that way learn and grow so much.


It's shameful that so many young adults are pressured, by their parents and drone society, to "become adults", before they get to try their own ideas. Don't fall for this trap, buddy.

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