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Potential Health Complications Caused by Exposure to Microwave Emissions

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6n-fIHGia8[Resonance - Beings of Frequency Documentary]

[barrie Trower - The Dangers of Microwave Technology]






"Less is known about what happens to people exposed to low levels of microwaves. Controlled, long-term studies involving large numbers of people have not been conducted to assess the impact of low level microwave energy on humans. Much research has been done with experimental animals, but it is difficult to translate the effects of microwaves on animals to possible effects on humans. For one thing, there are differences in the way animals and humans absorb microwaves. For another, experimental conditions can't exactly simulate the conditions under which people use microwave ovens. However, these studies do help us better understand the possible effects of radiation." - Food and Drug Administration


(Microwaves in relation to their uses and effect on the brain):Apparatus for audibly communicating speech using the radio frequency hearing effecthttp://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=6587729.PN.&OS=PN/6587729&RS=PN/6587729Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waveshttp://www.patents.com/us-3951134.htmlEFFECTS OF MODULATED VHF FIELDS ON THE CNS (possible means to implant thoughts and states)


Can a satellite read your thoughts?





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microwave oven passes (non-ionizing) microwave radiation (...)

Non-ionizing implies harmless. Actually it's less harmful than sunlight.

 Posted Image

In order to produce lasting effects, radiation has to interact with matter in such a way that the energy transmitted permanently alters the chemistry of target substance (i.e. it changes atoms and breaks molecular chains). Microwaves are too weak to do that.

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Non-ionizing implies harmless. Actually it's less harmful than sunlight.

 Posted Image

In order to produce lasting effects, radiation has to interact with matter in such a way that the energy transmitted permanently alters the chemistry of target substance (i.e. it changes atoms and breaks molecular chains). Microwaves are too weak to do that.

Do you mean harmless to humans or just harmless to DNA? Don't forget about this condition.


The main potential "problem" that the documentary points out ("Resonance - Beings of Frequency") is that contact with electromagnetic waves may be what prevents melatonin (the drug produced within the body that fights 'free radicals' from damaging healthy cells) from being produced during the day. If these electromagnetic waves are surrounding us at all times, there's going to be less melatonin produced naturally. The other thing is that microwaves from cell towers and other sources are drowning out our natural frequency that we and other animals/insects use.


Now, it may not be confirmed that electromagnetic wave contact prevents natural melatonin production, or that microwaves are powerful enough to have the same effect the sun does (I'm aware they're much less powerful) but fact is that we still don't know what the long term effects of exposure to microwaves are (on a larger scale.)


And I just found this:



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DNA, hormones, you name it. Microwaves are too weak to ionize atoms, thus they can just pass through the body unnoticed. I reckon long term exposure can indeed have a cumulative effect to the point where the MW become strong enough to be able to interact with matter. BUT, as previously mentioned, why are we worrying about MW when sunlight is far more dangerous? I'm being constantly exposed to it and it is far more powerful than MW. Why isn't sunlight a concern but MW are? Surely a long term MW exposure of over 10 years pales in comparison with constant sunlight exposure over the entire span of human evolution.

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DNA, hormones, you name it. Microwaves are too weak to ionize atoms, thus they can just pass through the body unnoticed. I reckon long term exposure can indeed have a cumulative effect to the point where the MW become strong enough to be able to interact with matter. BUT, as previously mentioned, why are we worrying about MW when sunlight is far more dangerous? I'm being constantly exposed to it and it is far more powerful than MW. Why isn't sunlight a concern but MW are? Surely a long term MW exposure of over 10 years pales in comparison with constant sunlight exposure over the entire span of human evolution.

Claims like those of the OP are posited by woo-peddlers. 

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Two inches away from a microwave and the waves are diffuse enough that they cannot harm you at all. As far as affecting your food goes, that depends on a lot of different factors. This cliche about microwaves killing all the good things in your food and keeping all the bad things alive is a vast oversimplification. Microwaving is actually healthier in some instances than baking or boiling or whatever.


^^ Above is what you find when you google "microwave myths"

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The cooking chamber (of a microwave oven) is similar to a Faraday cage (but there is no continuous metal-to-metal contact around the rim of the door), and prevents the waves from coming out of the oven. The oven door usually has a window for easy viewing, but the window has a layer of conductive mesh some distance from the outer panel to maintain the shielding. Because the size of the perforations in the mesh is much less than the microwaves' wavelength (12.2 cm), most of the microwave radiation cannot pass through the door, while visible light (with a much shorter wavelength) can.



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