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Self Disciplined Child!

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Your comment wasn't exactly hard to find!  You can spot those of the FDR persuasion a mile away.


Everything else on there is mindless observation that the girl is cute; nevermind the bullying tactics of mom and the distress of the girl.  Sometimes I wish I had children just so I could feel whatever frustration that parents allegedly feel that makes them look upon such a scene with sadistic glee that a child is broken and subservient.  Because I have exactly zero sympathy or empathy with off-camera mom here.  How much do children piss people off?  I've been around kids and it seems like my line for being annoyed with kid's behavior is WAY father off than their parents' line.


Oh but hey it's all fun and games because Asian parents are hard asses and drive their kids to excellence in math and piano playing. Yeah fuck all of that noise.

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lol yes you can Nathan

I could totally understand the frustration with children. My neice was a good listener and does most of the things I asked because we've developed a solid connection but feeding her was difficult. I can see how when you feel powerless and unenlightened in regards to self knowledge, that you would want to take out your frustrations on a developing being to bear your poison. But I don't give in. I refuse to misplace my anger like most parents do, or in particular HER parents who have little to no patience when she doesn't want to listen to them. After all how can you LISTEN to over bearing nagging and yelling anyway?

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I scrolled through all the comments.  These are the only Non-FDR replies I could find that actually commented on the content of the video: Not a very good result for 750 replies.

Fickry Dwi i hope thats wrong translate text. she's crying, she scare with her mom! what a pity girl.! oppressed. stupid mom!!Razan Ibrahim Omer i have a feeling she might have been scoldedBrian Strater This child has been broken and there is no joy left in her eyes, I find it reprehensible that people are finding this girl to be cute are blatantly ignoring her tears from abuse.  (is this one of you folks?)Laura Gio That's a fucking sick video...no mother or father should make such video and put them on the internet. That's just plain wrongThanos Kpopper My heart... She is so cute but she cried and made me mad against her mother.... :@ ... Ahhh... I don't want to see sad kids or babies...Joshua Lau Actually the little girl knows she is wrong but capture video and post on fb i think is a bit over~she feels shy and cover with the blanket~i feel pity for her~---------------------------Dishonorable Mention:Dabongz Ambion Good parenting: You explain to your child why she's being punished.------------------------------   Meredith HappyKid Cuteness overload. Poor kid though

  Eunice Kim i find it so funny that she's like scolding and filming and uploading this on youtube at the same time


  Andrew Wu child abuse ppl


  Andrew Wu u can't just not feed a kid


  Nurfariha Akmal Fawwazah Did you really think her mother wont feed her? Her mother is not dumb enoughLeticia Hooper As a mom, speaking solely on this point, mom's tone was a bit harsh. I know you have to teach your child but wow bit much.


 Leonard Escalona Shiyomi I find this offensive though...


Filbert Hoo this is already really nice compared to how many Chinese parents discipline their children.Maggie Piazza she looks like she just saw her mom and dad grav a knife and alomst killed her then she siad she wont do it anymore and by her mom not feeding means she wont kill her or will she 

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Because I have exactly zero sympathy or empathy with off-camera mom here.


Everyone seems to have looked over the fact that the mother gave the child a death threat. I don't feel like watching it again to get the exact text, but she said something like "if you don't come to eat on time, I won't feed you". This is precisely when the girl starts crying and puts the blanket over her head. How 6,000 people are unable to put together that "I won't feed you" = "I'll kill you" to a small child is beyond me. The child understood it instantly.

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Is it possible that the people commenting did not see the captions?  Because then if you don't understand the language all you see is a cute girl with tears in her eyes and it's morally neutral.  I've never seen a comment stream that was so utterly disconnected from the video itself. 


I've experienced the phenomenon of boobs turning off my brain, and likewise here a cute face has completely turned off the brains of 700+ people. Hmmm.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry I'm a little late to the conversation, but I'm just getting started on reading the peaceful parenting posts and just came across it.

I agree with all of you. This is child abuse and a death threat to a beautiful little angel who is forced to apologize for nothing more than not eating according to her parents rules. I don't even understand forcing a child to eat at certain times. We are not able to determine their level of hunger and how they are feeling without communicating to them. There are times that adults don't feel like eating when meal times are planned, and it is accepted and respected, not scolded. What if the girl wasn't feeling well and just didn't feel like eating at that time? What if her parents are such assholes that her emotions made her abstemious? There are any number of possibilities for why a child might not want to eat(including having a food allergy or reaction to the food that is served to them), and the way to deal with it is to inquire with them, not abuse them.

It is a possibility that this girl has already been sent to bed hungry in the past. When her mom said she wouldn't feed her, it was really frightening and very real to her. If I didn't eat what my parents wanted me to, when they wanted me to, I would get dragged from the table, beaten, and sent to bed without food, and the threat of no food was very real; I behaved very similar to her after such experiences. It seems to me that it is possible that a similar situation (or maybe even worse than what I went through) probably has already occurred to this girl to put this type of fear and distress in her. This mom is terrible. How dare she sit there and film her abuse and show it to the world! Beating a child into submission is not parenting..it is just being an asshole. I haven't even got to the Facebook comments yet...if I find any of yours, I will like them.

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