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Help me find two studies about the psychology of politics. Thanks!

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I recall that Stef mentioned these two studies in podcasts before:


1. When confronted with basic math or information that proves their partisan points wrong, Republicans and Democrats double down and believe even more strongly in their mistaken world views. (Or something like this.)


2. People read a statement, say they agree with it, then there's some paper that's peeled revealing the opposite view. They don't notice the difference and in fact argue in favor of that diametrically opposite belief. (Or something like this.)


Can anyone link the actual studies? Anyone know any related studies that are similar (psychology and political-type beliefs)?

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I know they are in the bomb and the brain series. The links to the resources were broken, likely in the move to the new boards.


However, I found the part 4 sources and I think they are in there: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/22050-the-bomb-in-the-brain-part-4-the-death-of-reason-the-effects-of-child-abuse-references


If those aren't it, then they would be in the part 3 sources and someone may be able to find it in a board search, but I think that that link is what you were looking for.

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