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That Guy T


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There's a youtube channel called The Anarchast that I've been checking out and recently That Guy T was interviewed -


Anarchast Ep. 137 That Guy T: Zombies made me an Anarchist!



He seems to have a fairly well maintained online presence as well as a sense of humour -


Feminists be like...






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Yes I just recently discovered him.  He is still young, but his ideas are pretty rock solid.  He is also very entertaining.  The only issue I have so far is he operates under the non-aggression principle, but thinks its justified to punish children by hitting them.  I disagree with him on this point, but otherwise I think he is a great youtuber to check out if you have the time.

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Sorry for getting (and staying) off topic...  But Jeff Berwick is ok, it seems that he offended some tsa actor's sensibilities by referring to such people as thieves when they took some guy's duty free goods.  Other than the inconvenience, there were no other repercussions, just a plain tsa tantrum.  Although, his extra time there gave him an opportunity to help someone pay a surprise $150 fee that could have stranded them at the airport.

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I really like his videos a lot, especially the ones on feminism.  I was a little disturbed to learn that he hits his 5 year old brothers on the wrist to "discipline" them though.


Go to about 4:15 and watch to 5:30 for the relevant part, which I also transcribed below.




"I suppose while noble in principle, it isn't the most rational of steps to take. I agree, in my opinion, it's not the smartest idea to rely solely on negotiation when dealing with a 5 year old.  For example, my baby brothers are just now learning how to use the microwave and one day they put a leftover burger int he microwave, and it was still wrapped in aluminum foil.  I said to them "don't microwave the burger with foil on it, you might blow up the house!" they clearly didn't understand what I was talking about, so I had to go and take the burger out of the microwave and explain it to them.  A week later, they made the same mistake, but this time out of spite.  Basically saying "fuck you, I'm going to microwave this aluminum foil".  And as you may imagine I didn't just sit back and wait for them to learn from their mistakes.  I went over to them, smacked their hand and took the aluminum foil out of the microwave and told them "don't do this again".  Now, I know some don't agree with this method of discipline, but at least in my case it just happens to make the most sense in terms of cost/benefit, considering the potential consequences of letting a 5 year old put aluminum foil in the microwave."

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"I suppose while noble in principle, it isn't the most rational of steps to take. I agree, in my opinion, it's not the smartest idea to rely solely on negotiation when dealing with a black guy.  For example, my black neighbors are just now learning how to use apartment complex parking lot and one day they were all sitting and leaning on my car and one of them had a burger sitting on my hood.  I said to them "don't lean on my car please" they clearly didn't understand what I was talking about, so I had to go and show them which car was mine and remove their burger from my hood .  A week later, they made the same mistake, but this time out of spite.  Basically saying "fuck you, I'm going to throw a part on your car".  And as you may imagine I didn't just sit back and wait for them to party all over my car.  I went over to them, smacked them and removed their party equipment from my car and told them "don't do this again".  Now, I know some don't agree with this method of discipline, but at least in my case it just happens to make the most sense in terms of cost/benefit, considering the potential consequences of letting a black neighbor throw a party on my car."

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