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Japanse mother kick child in public


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Makes me wonder, what will the poor girl become, when being subject to such harsh threatment. There is no way that guy can do the same and not get in jail, anyway. I still feel very sorry for the poor girl, because her mother is a monster - but this is a good example of how some mad womens can treat their children.

I better should not even to try imagine, what this monster for a parent do, when she is not in public. Poor, really poor child...





Indeed, Japan is strange place these days. People are paying 80 bucks there to lay near girls in "cuddle cafe" ... however all the nice feelings end for me, when she open her mouth:


"What about you? Do you have a boyfriend?

Of course not.

Of course not? Why of course?

Because having a boyfriend is a hassle.

Do you evern wanted to have a boyfriend, or do you think that stuff like this is... will suffice?

When I see happy couples during Christmas, I wish they would die.

Wow. Oh my God.

I just don't like seeing people being affectionate in public.

That is interesting. For someone who is affectionate to strangers for a living.

I have no emotional attachment to my customers."



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kahvi - I better not imagine what this monster can do at home, when are free of the eyes of prying public. What can become from such poor child? What horrors she must survived...?

And on top of that, imagine, there are in the discussion between czech news article people, that are trying to defend the mother, saying that "she must be very stressed"...


I wonder, how far can I get by defence like this, when I pick and beat little girl in public. I bet the same people won't accept such defence and will call for lynch instead (and almost rightfully to do so). Why there are differences, based on who perform the attack? What if a person with badge do it? Will we call that "lawfull way to theat suspects"? ...  That is what disguested me even more.

Source: http://www.novinky.cz/zahranicni/340111-.html

Discussion: http://www.novinky.cz/diskuse?id=367373&articleId=/zahranicni/340111-agresivni-matka-brutalne-kopla-dcerku-do-hlavy.html&sectionId=2

Examples of defending opinions (use Google translate, I refuse to type such defense in english):

"Michal Mudra, Lovosice

kouknul jsme se několikrát na video a kop šel do horního ramene...nikoliv hlavy.to by se opravdu jen tak nprobrala.Navíc jak článek vyznívá...holčina nebyla v žádnem nehybném lehu.Byla jen vzteklá a histerická.No u nás se už bojí rodiče na děti sáhnout a podle toho nám vyrůstají generace kriminálníků a násilníků.To je bohužel nepopíratelnej fakt !"


"Vojtěch Rybák, Cheb

Na záběrech nic drastického neshledávám. Jediné co mě irituje je ten řev."


"Zdeněk Lorenc, Pardubice

Prej - brutálně kopla do hlavy... Měla plný ruce, tak jí dala mírnýho výchovnýho lepáka nohou. Sice to nevypadá bůhvíjak dobře, ale brutálního na tom neshledávám nic. Kdyby dostala normálně facku rukou, nejspíš by ta pecka byla silnější a ustlala by si taky."


...for example the last guy is defending her because he had "full hands" and therefore he do "a little educational left slap by leg" ... Now that is the mentality of people, we have to live with. Now you understand me, why I leave the translation to Google, because I did not want to have anything to do with defenders of such monsters.



Dylan Lawrence Moore - I find very disturbing that in Czech republic, there are plenty of defenders of such behaviour.



tjt - me too... poor little girl. And I won't be assuming that this is safe by any means. Maybe the poor kid can withstand the beating physicaly, yes. She seems to be okay. But the trauma she will carry for the rest of the life is IMHO way more serious problem that the physical beating. I mean - bruises heal. Mind is probably disturbed forever.

If she accept violence as way to deal with conflicts, where that lead to? Sure thing - if you get in conflict with her, she go violent on you, because that is what she learned. And if she won't be able to just kick you down, then she take anything lying around (bottle, kitchen knife) and this time it could end badly. And even she will be held responsible, in fact it is the parent, who should be jailed also, for what she did to her, that violence is now accepted way to get what she want from others.


No wonder, there are wars.

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Probably best way.

1) have documented the abuse

2) take her down and hold her there

3) comfort the child

4) call the police

5) wait for them

6) show/give them the evidence

7) make sure that the poor child get into family, that is at the very least not threating her as punching bag


Still it is unclear, how that experience will damage her life in the long run. I can even forsee the argument, that the experience of another violence (the mother is not going to down on the floor quietly and not w/o serious force applied will stay there and the child is likely to even defend his mother, because she normalized what is done to her in order to survive) might be also damaging the child life, but in the long run I think it will be better.

Good question is, how will Japansee police see this behaviour. You must not forget that japansee culture is different and "a bit" violent. Or can you imagine something like this:



Get aired on TV anywhere else besides Japan? I don't and there are even way way more disturbing shows, for example including small pigs licking tied up naked girls... So Japansee police reaction should be taken as unknown and hard to predict.

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