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Byllying, being bullied, and doing bullying. Apology.


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Hi. I want to write about my experience with bullying. And I would appreciate any feedback and advice. 


I was being continually teased by my brother. I dont know if this enter category of bullying. I was chased by him after house, he on various occasions was trying to break my door and enter my room, he do that when I was taking shower or was in toilet. I was never safe in my house. I know that he was acting out what my father was doing. My father few times was trying to break to my room drunk on the night. I was tryin to keep door closed with my mother, with whom I slept with in my room for long time. 


And I recently found out, when I listen to Sunday Call In Show about listener who harrased some other kids, that I bullied one kid with my "friend" at the time. Nothing big, but we chase him and make fun of him. He throw rocks at us, and we do it in revenge. We chase him after that. In fact, my friend do much of this, I was passive usualy, but not always. I enjoy this at the time and I find it sick now. 


I know that I have similar experience in school. I was trying to get close to brutal guys, and I get beaten few times by them. This boy was trying to get close to us maybe, and I act out my trauma. 


One time I push one boy on wall in school in preety brutal way. I was feeling disrespected in some way and I do that. I overreacted and I feel sory for that too. 


Now. I am thinking about writing to them both and make apology. They both come from sick houses, just as I was. I am afraid of doing so. I am afraid that they may mock me for that. By in the other way, I think that I fear taking responsibility and that pain I am afraid of Is my pain that I put on them. 


I will appriciate any feedback. If this will be ok to write to them on facebook?

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The fear is understandable because you would be putting yourself in a vulnerable position. But it would be a very wise and mature thing to do and I highly recommend it.


They may thank you for it, they may not reply, or they may get angry or mock you. But all of that is outside of your control. What's important is that you're doing the right thing.

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