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Critique my video! "Taxation is theft"


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Hey man, I really appreciate the thoughtful review. It means a lot! You are absolutely right about me looking around (as well as other things), that's something that I noticed too. I'll definitely fix that next time. Thanks for your time and thoughtfulness!

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Not bad. I agree with Nathan that it is a bit too long. Also, I think you go off topic a lot. This free market stuff, that's all great, but it's not directly relevant to the moral question surrounding taxation. It doesn't matter what the free market can and cannot do it. You want to make the moral argument that taxation is theft; which, to be honest, isn't a very hard argument to make. It's cutting through the propoganda that's difficult. So what I think you want to do is make the argument briefly in the beginning and then run through the counter arguments (aka propoganda) as you get around to doing. Stay focused on the moral argument. These practical issues and concerns can be dealt with in another video.

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