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What do you do for a living?


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Out of curiosity, what does everyone here do for a living? 


If you can, please write the title of your occupation and then a short description. Example:


Public school teacher:


Hi, I took the only job I could ever possibly be hired for noble sacrifice of indoctrinating educating your kids that you were too lazy stressed to take care of. I stole welcomed your children who once had the endless no desire to learn and destroyed inspired them and implanted toxic bullshit the seeds of imagination into their heads. By the way, I need a raise on top of my 100k salary slavery-like salary for glorified babysitting professional education, so that I can buy a luxury vacation home serve your children better.


I'm excited to find out what you all do!



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I'm a teacher at a charter school, as well as a working musician and writer.  Because it's a charter school, I don't get paid like the district teachers; but I don't need the 'official bullshit' certificate, either.  I also don't answer to any state authority-- the founder of the school is an entrepreneur who has taken great advantage of the grant-writing process.  She is very open-minded and anti-state when it comes to education, so I consider myself very lucky within my field.  I'm able to implement my own behavior modification procedures, curriculum, and teaching strategies.


As a musician, I have performed small gigs like weddings and parties, as well as regular part-time employment singing Catholic mass and Evangelical services.


I am a writer, but as of yet have only been paid for a single writing project-- a grant proposal.

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Technology developer


I develop free software, free Operational Systems, design digital interfaces, build online communities, science popularization websites, news portals. And also build components/plugins/templates for popular CMS software such as Joomla and Wordpress.


Spend a lot of my time learning physics and materials science, so I can build some really cool stuff in the future.

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Norwegian Military


Information security, i defend your freedoms :O:O no, i joined a military education program when i was 18, got a bachlors in radioelectronics/telecommunication. I had/have to work there for 3 years as pay back for the education, so in total iv been in the militray for 5 years and after my contract ends next year im done. I currently work with nettwork security survailance, not anything privacy invasive fortunaly, but i doubt im going forward with that career path now.

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I'm a criminal defense and appellate attorney. I've been practicing for about 17 years. I've worked in commercial litigation, too, but I transitioned out of it because I couldn't stomach the absurdity, hypocrisy and general waste. I used to help prepare bar exams and study materials, but I quit doing that too, on account of the same general disillusionment with the statist legal system. The last place in the legal field that I can tolerate is criminal defense, since it consists of resisting the state on a daily basis.


But I'm working toward leaving that, as well. My wife is a novelist, so once I finish the book I'm working on, I have a shot at using her contacts in publishing to sell it. If I can't make that work, I'll take a crack at self-publishing. If I can't make it work as a fiction writer, I'll publish a book on editing (since that's where I have a lot of experience).


On the weekends, occasionally, I play bass in a local band, for beer money.

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I work in IT, but I'm getting burned out. I've been thinking about leaving the industry, but I have to figure out what else I can do to earn a decent living. The company I work for has decent pay and generous benefits and I'm not sure if I'm prepared to give them up. The work I do is often tedious and ungratifying, but the stress is low and I have quite a bit of autonomy.

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I work in IT, but I'm getting burned out. I've been thinking about leaving the industry, but I have to figure out what else I can do to earn a decent living. The company I work for has decent pay and generous benefits and I'm not sure if I'm prepared to give them up. The work I do is often tedious and ungratifying, but the stress is low and I have quite a bit of autonomy.


There is just so much you can do in IT, you can pick something more enjoyable and slowly learn it. I for one have been building Operational Systems instead of doing as many websites, because once you do your 10k hours on a skill, it really starts getting boring.

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As my nickname might imply, I'm a front end developer... mostly working on the engineering side (UI development, client-side javascript, nodejs, build processes, architecture/systems design, deployment operations)

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My job title is Statistical Operations Analyst.



Upgrade, recode, and develop reporting processes and tools.

Handle top level marketing data, ensure integrity and processes databases for clients.

I price health insurance.  Don't all line up to hug me at once now!  Haha.



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Existing Product Design Engineer


I work at a manufacturing plant and design existing product (as opposed to designing new product) and support production from a design perspective (as opposed to a process perspective). So I do not design all-new product and I do not work on the equipment that makes the product, I instead:

-- Improve/modify the design of existing product

-- Extend the product to new applications

-- Support production from a design perspective

-- Manage and improve product specifications

-- Manage projects

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I work part time at a bakery, which is pretty freakin sweet I just wish I got more hours. I took the red pill at a really inconvenient time and really can't bring myself to endure the medieval trepanning that is higher education. Not only does the brain-dead academic life not appeal to me, there would be no way not to hate myself doing something I hate with stolen money. So I'm really at a loss as far as how to move my life forward in terms of career (I do have myself a pretty little lady who I'll start a family with and that makes me really happy. :D )


All you IT guys... how did you get into the field? Did it take years of schooling or did you just learn C++ or Javascript then start applying for jobs? Maybe something in between?

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