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We're all pooping wrong

Kevin Beal

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I discovered recently a superior method of pooping that I wanted to share with y'all. Sitting on a toilet with our legs out at a somewhat 90 degree angle, the way western people do, is actually not good for you. Your "anorectal angle" in this position is such that rectum (the cavity above the sphincter) is at an angle with the sphincter. This means that instead of pushing poop straight out, you're pushing against yourself.


This is supposed to increase the likelihood of constipation, hemorrhoids, colon disease and urinary difficulty / infections for women.


The solution is to use a stool under your feet when you are sitting on the toilet so that the angle of your thighs to your torso is much closer, like when you're squatting in the woods.


I find that this makes things go a lot more smoothly and quickly, and also that I'm doing less cleanup afterward.


Here's a video advertising a product made specifically for this:

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get out there and get yourself a squatty potty. kinda tough to get your feet on the seat, especially for those of us with the archaic round toilet bowls (how was the oval not the original design?).



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Could you not just lean forward instead? Same angle in the end. (Actually, I remember doing that as a kid from time to time, whatever that means, haha)

I've heard that solution as well and have tried it. I, personally, don't find it as good as using a stool, but it's better than sitting upright, I bet.


I think the reason for that is that with leaning forward the "anorectal angle" is straight, but it's not straight downward like crouching in woods, but rather at an angle, since the seat is off the ground. With a stool, you have the angle and the orientation together.


I'm just guessing though. I am not an expert by any means.

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I've heard that solution as well and have tried it. I, personally, don't find it as good as using a stool, but it's better than sitting upright, I bet.


I think the reason for that is that with leaning forward the "anorectal angle" is straight, but it's not straight downward like crouching in woods, but rather at an angle, since the seat is off the ground. With a stool, you have the angle and the orientation together.


I'm just guessing though. I am not an expert by any means.

I see, thanks.(Haha, of ALL the things I knew, I really thought I figured out how to take a dump by now, lol)

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It's 20 bucks, so I suggest trying it out with a couple of stacks of books first, to see if it works for you.


Plenty of public toilets are squat toilets in Asia, and there are still a few squat toilets in rural parts of France and Spain. When there's an ablution block with one squat toilet and one "western" toilet, I don't see many people queueing to use the squat.

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It's 20 bucks, so I suggest trying it out with a couple of stacks of books first, to see if it works for you.


Plenty of public toilets are squat toilets in Asia, and there are still a few squat toilets in rural parts of France and Spain. When there's an ablution block with one squat toilet and one "western" toilet, I don't see many people queueing to use the squat.


Squat toilets are scary


Squatty potty gives you the squat position while keeping the safe, nice-looking western toilet :D

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Thank you so much for making this topic Kevin.


I have Celiac's disease and have always had trouble on the crapper.


I just got an excellent  9'' poop stool from amazon and it has changed my bowel movements immensely.


I never thought that poopin could be so effortless and fun. :thumbsup:

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It's 20 bucks, so I suggest trying it out with a couple of stacks of books first, to see if it works for you.


Plenty of public toilets are squat toilets in Asia, and there are still a few squat toilets in rural parts of France and Spain. When there's an ablution block with one squat toilet and one "western" toilet, I don't see many people queueing to use the squat.


FDR is having a special where you can buy all of Stef's books for $70.

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