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To Ashley,


I am so sorry! I don't usually watch too many of the podcasts, simply because I don't have the time to watch all of Stefan's great work, but when I have a little extra time, I open up a random one. Last night, I opened up "Life as a Sex Slave" and holy crap, it was just mind blowing. Ashley, you have had such a difficult life and put into some extremely terrible situations, and yet, you still seem to be very strong.


I went through a lot of crappy stuff when I was a kid as well. It was very difficult but the most difficult thing I went through was always feeling alone. Being and feeling alone became such a habit that I still struggle with it today. By alone, I don't mean that you don't see anyone. By alone, I mean that no matter who is around, you feel like nobody is there for you, looking out for you, will listen to you and that nobody around is a person that you can put any kind of trust into. I won't put words into your mouth in saying that this is how you felt. It is just the impression I got from your call.


Anyways, I wanted to tell you that you are an amazing person. Sometimes it might feel like people don't and cannot understand what you have gone through or what you have and are currently feeling, but there are people out there that can. I haven't met anyone in person like this just yet, but the proof is with Stefan and all the great people on these boards. They are real people out there in the world, and there are plenty more people like them that just haven't found there way here yet. You just need to keep moving forward with life and eventually, you will discover great people and hopefully a great guy that you can truly fall in love with rather then only settle for, just don't give up.


Lastly, I know that most people on these boards are great people to talk with about almost anything, but if you ever want to kick back at the computer chair and talk, I would love to be your friend because you seem like a kind hearted person who is trying to fix the problems forced upon you, and having a friend can be a pretty awesome thing. Anyways, thanks for sharing your story and again, I am so sorry for everything the shitty people in your life have done to you, but you are a great person even after all of that!

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