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What is justice? Is it cultural or universal?


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I'm not entirely sure, but I'd like to just put out some definitions to develop this question:


Justice: Just behavior or treatment.

Just: Based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.

Moral: Concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.

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Along with what @itsmassive said, just = fair, an equal level of response and reaction, or ^retribution.


Most historical definitions of justice have not actually been just at all, I think because they've been derived from the idea of breaking with perfection, or the dictates of a perfect and "righteous" god or state. And that if you break with perfection from what is "righteous/good," then it would be justice that any and all evil be done to you, which isn't actually just or equal at all. Rational justice would be more like a mathematical equation, or balancing a scale.


To answer the question in the subject line, I think that objective/rational equal reaction justice is universal, and justice based on abstracts that do not exist based on empirical logic and evidence is cultural.

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