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Donating time to FDR! An example.


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So, recently, I've been broke. And that's been my excuse as to why I haven't donated in a few months. 

What a bunch of baloney I was telling myself, since Stef asks to donate time as well as money. 

As a result of this realization I've been sending messages like these out to numerous youtube channels and have been tailoring them according to the audience. For example, this is a letter tailored to people who like film analysis or reviews since there are plenty of film reviewers on youtube!

Anyways, just wanted to share for others who might want to borrow this idea and edit this letter to their liking.

Or if you thing there's a better way to donate time, let me know!  I've really been enjoying this since it pays commission...in the form happiness :)

Hello, friend!

 My name is Joel and I wanted to share with you a podcast and youtube channel that I find incredibly stimulating, which also happens to be an immense source of joy for me. The website is freedomain radio! It is the largest and most popular philosophy conversation in the world with over a million downloads and it just keeps growing. Whether you your thing is film reviews, gender issues, economics, or just true news! You can find it here. Since you like film analysis, I’ll send you a film analysis video!

I sincerely hope that you take the time to check out one of the most unique and powerful conversations in the world. Thank you so much for your time. Here are video analysis/ reviews or Frozen, Avatar, and the Matrix.




Please let me know what you think!


Joel Patterson :)


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Bam! check out this letter I got this morning!

"Hey Joel, 

Thanks for the suggestions, its always great to discover new videos of people who have great insights, iv only watched the Matrix one so far but really enjoyed and agreed with alot of its points, planning on watching the rest of them too. Thanks for brining it to my attention. 



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