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From the MaidSafe Wikipedia article:


"MaidSafe is an open-source program that enables a decentralized internet platform, called the SAFE Network. MaidSafe autonomously handles static and dynamic data including communications. Data stored on the network is either encrypted or cryptographically signed by MaidSafe connected applications (clients). In either case the network itself cannot decrypt any of the data. MaidSafe also distributes all data on the network without the need for centralized servers."


These are just some of my thoughts:


I think some business models will need changing when MaidSafe is ready to be released to the public. The likes of the major hollywood studios and ISPs will not be able to use threats to stop the illegal downloading of films, music, books etc.


MaidSafe may make the donation-based economy the norm, at least in the digital realm.


IMO it will have a greater impact on the world than Bitcoin. MaidSafe's altcoin, Safecoin, may even replace Bitcoin as the most widespread and valuable (in Market Cap) crytocurrency.


It may reduce FDR's business costs like bandwidth etc.


MaidSafe may eventually replace the internet as the main global network as people rationalise their server and bandwidth costs.



Has anyone else on this forum come across MaidSafe? I only found out about it because someone mentioned it over at Liberty.me. The topic of conversation was one of Jeffery Tucker's articles on Netflix.

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  • 5 months later...

I'm following them closely for a while now. I think they're going to be incredibly disruptive, even more so than bitcoin, because they aim at completely decentralizing storage and communications along with an integrated ledger-less currency. Very exciting project, strongly rooted in libertarian principles (D. Irvine, the founder is very active on their forum and he speaks openly about that).

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As someone who specializes in the field of crypto platforms I rated Maidsafe among my top 5 platforms in the space.


The others were NXT (My number 1), Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Storj.


Storj is basically a competitor to Maidsafe which takes a different approach to the decentralization method.


If anyone has any questions then please ask away and I'll answer them as best I can.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you're discussing open-source distributed storage projects, you ought to look at Tahoe-LAFS, a distributed file storage and sharing platform. Its scope is quote a bit smaller than Maidsafe, but it's all ready to go and has already been used in production for a few years.

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