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Man Faces Possible Jail Time for Wind Turbine

Alan C.

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Orono Man Faces Possible Jail Time for Wind Turbine


An Orono man and his wife could end up in the Hennepin County jail if they do not remove a 29-foot wind turbine in their yard by Wednesday morning.


The city of Orono told Jay Nygard his wind turbine was illegal and was a public safety threat. Nygard sued and lost at the lower court and then won on appeal, but it was sent back to the lower court for further consideration where he ultimately lost again.


Now, the final court order says Nygard and his wife must appear in court Wednesday to start a six-month jail sentence, unless the turbine is removed by then.


Nygard says he and his wife are willing to go to jail to fight for their individual property rights and free enterprise.


Nygard sells the wind turbines in other cities and would like the opportunity to do the same in Orono. The Orono City Manager did not answer our request for an on-camera interview and asked us to call an attorney who is representing the city in this three-year legal battle.


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It's nice to the cops are on top of REAL crime.


Last month I had my car broken into outside my apartment:  Everything stolen:  Computer, wallet, credit cards, international bank cards (irreplaceable unless I fly to China!), guitar, cables, pedals....everything.


He proceeded to go into every gas station and use my credit cards.  I have video footage of him at 5 locations!


And, the guy put my stuff on craigslist hours later, and listed the apartment complex, right next to mine.


There is plenty of evidence to find the guy.  Simply go to the apartment complex manager with the video footage and ask if he lives there.  2 hours of work.


So, I called the cops every day for 2 weeks requesting help.  Nothing.  The refused to help at all.  Eventually I got a letter (a LETTER, in a time sensitive case) saying "this is not something we investigate"


Thanks guys!!!


Meanwhile, a friend of mine list his job for getting caught with marijuana, I got a 20 dollar parking ticket, and my GF got a speeding ticket.


Worthless sacks of s****.  (sorry for the language, but I'm mad)


I can't tell you how much contempt I have for cops.  Absolute and utter contempt.  

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@threebots That's messed up.  I have a similar story.  I had my whole car stolen, which is a felony, and the cops didn't even pay a visit to the scene.  I was dirt poor at the time, so I really needed that car, even though it was a POS.  I actually found it myself by driving neighboring streets with a rental car the next day.  When I called them to say that I'd found it, they said to wait at the scene for an officer.  They made me wait there for 4 hours before one showed up.  When the cop finally got there he didn't even have the wherewithal to take pictures or check for prints.  He just told me to take the car and go home.  It would have been easy as pie to just plant a guy there until the morning and wait for the a-hole to open the door and get in.  Voila, no more car thievery in that neighborhood.  They seemed bothered that they even had to talk to me.  I agree with you.  Total do-nothing scumbags.  Revenue generating cash machines is all they are.

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