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Skipping School


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I am currently attending a chiropractic college in the US. From time to time I skip my early morning classes and a few of the non-8am boring ones. Whenever I skip a class my girlfriend (she goes to the same school) has a freakout! She says that I'm wasting my education. Why am I here if I'm just going to skip etc... I don't see anything wrong with skipping. Its my education, I'm doing fine in my classes. Looking for a little guidance on how to approach this so that she is not getting upset when I skip class. I have recently been reading RTR and cant help but feel that she is trying to turn me into a boat.

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She is worth being with for sure. I'm not sure I do value college. Most of my learning is self-taught and I have a low level of respect for teachers. I do however think that it will be profitable to obtain the education since I like the profession and want a career in it. 

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What does the expression "turn me into a boat" mean? If you skip class then are they really even worth going to? If you're classes aren't worth going to then why are you ready to commit years of your life pursuing your career choice? 

She is worth being with for sure. I'm not sure I do value college. Most of my learning is self-taught and I have a low level of respect for teachers. I do however think that it will be profitable to obtain the education since I like the profession and want a career in it. 


If most of your learning is self taught and you have no respect for the teachers then why do you value college? 

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I have 5 bosses, 3 of which I work with on a regular basis and the other two on a weekly basis. I also do not like any of them very much. Not liking your superiors does not have much to do with your end goals.


You want to be in this field of work for most of your life and your professors are temporary. You will deal with people who you do not like or respect all of your life but realizing what you want in life and how to get there is important to you, if you take it seriously. If you value your girlfriend, I would heed her words because she cares about you and your intentions/ambitions. The majority of knowledge I know is self taught, but I gained a lot of value in the professors, such as a second opinion or better methods of doing something. If in your case there are no advantages, you are in a system where you need the degree to be certified and to get the job. If you want the job you must go through the steps. If those steps means going to college, dealing with less-desirable teachers and getting good enjough grades to get that job, attending as many classes as possible is recommended. There is nothing wrong with skipping class if you just cannot go, but skipping for the sake of just not wanting to go shows signs of how much you care something.

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The profession is regulation so I need a piece of paper to start working. Turn me from a car into a boat. Change me basically. 


Have you talked to your girlfriend about why you skip the classes? Do you explain that you believe your plan to become a chiropractor isn't being compromised by missing the classes? 

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This just sounds like her parroting her parent's anxiety about her attending class but,,, Try to make sure you understand her point of view very clearly.  Ask her what her thinking is behind her believing you're wasting your education by skipping classes. Try to save expressing your side of things until after you have this understanding.


Me personally, I don't see why you should have to attend every class if you're still passing it.  The goal is to pass the class (unfortunately not learn the material) so as long as you're accomplishing that goal it doesn't matter how you do it, (as long as it's moral)

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