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Cops Want to Give Teen an Erection and Photograph It... You Know, For Evidence


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"The authorities in Prince William County, Virginia, are pursuing child pornography charges against a 17 year old who exchanged nude picture texts with his 15-year-old girlfriend. The police have even filed a warrant that would permit them to take the teen to the hospital, give him an erection-producing injection, and photograph his penis. Prosecutors want to compare this photograph to the one the teen sent to his girlfriend, establishing that they depict the same thing..."



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WOW!!! Madness is now the new normal in police departments across this country! This is so crazy I have no words.. I REALLY hope people show their outrage now that this has come out in the media. I'm going to share this madness on my facebook wall and ask that everyone I know do the same so that maybe overwhelming public outrage helps this boy by making the case too high profile for the police department to pursue further. We 'the people' need to shame the police into dropping this case! We should also all be familiar with a concept called 'jury nullification' which is this boy's only hope if this actually goes to trial.

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Ok, you can say alot  about europe, but this kind of crazy shit from cops you dont get here.


I think the worst think happened was a priest and a nun were arrested in Italy because they had sex with each other in car beside a public freeway.


Violence on USA tv is ok but showing a  nipple is viewed as morally currupting. This morality does not create healthy people.

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So it's illegal for the kid to take pictures of his own body voluntarily,  but it's ok for the cops to take the very same pictures of him, against his will, and additionally force him by injection to have an erection and then take more photos of it.  And none of them see this as child pornography when it's the same act, taken  even a step further with the injection.  This is child abuse. 

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Yes, whilst I applaud the fight against child pornography and paedophilia. It comes as no surprise that the state is now taking children to task on this issue and demonstrating how little they understand about the topic.


It seems much less about discovering real child abuse and much more about throwing as many people under the bus called justice, as a means to asuage people's conscience regarding real child abuse.

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What I want to know is, how did the police become aware of the situation to begin with?


*Parents of the female complained?

*Police was just browsing local cell phones, found a *insert Stefan quote for male private parts here*, traced to a 17 year old, and created work for them selves. 

*System X detected high level of pornography in message, informed local cops to investigate.


What is the their capacity of local police for invasion of privacy??  


and doesn't everyone below the age of 17 count as a child? How does child pornography, generated and used by children play out? 

Poor guy sounds like he is being hunted out of partial hate(if the female parents caused the pressure). If they have been dating for some time I am sure that the female responded with some of her own too, what would be the outcome then?


and if 17 is a child, how do you put a child in jail?  

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Quick, find the closest penis and mail the image to the proper authorities!


It's possible that the investigation started because the girl's parents found the pictures of his tubesteak, and invoked the state. I can't imagine how a parent would buy or allow a child to buy a phone and then use it to snoop on their kids. It's like parents are taking a page from the NSA handbook of how not to trust your subjects, I mean kids. Phones aren't intended to be surveillance gathering tools - or are they?

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Am I the only one who thinks the age difference shouldn't mean jack **** either? He's not even 18 and they're trying to ruin his entire life over 'paedophilia' charges because he got intimate over the phone with his girlfriend (who is also 2 years younger than him.)

Completely disgusting. I don't doubt they'd probably also get erections from the exercise of power over him if they were to inject him. Throw them in jail for having such a paedophilic plan.

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