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Remote councel with likeminded therapist?


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I am certainly not the first one asking this question I think.



I live in a country that is mostly catholic and socialized healthcare, last year i lived/worked in Swiss and I started going to therapy when I listened to FDR...(2, 2.5 year listener i think)


In Swiss the doctor just drugged me, which helped in some way, but no therapy or journalling, he just prescribed, during my visits he had a little chat with me,.., I signalled I had some issues i would like to talk about but he said, "well just let the medication kick in and after you will be more receptive to journalling" etc.  At that time due to work stress etc.., I was almost on the brink of a nerveous breakdown and I was sometimes depressed, I remembered i cried in his office first time i was there.., very emotional stuff.


But I got to think about it and i would rather have a therapist (skype) who agrees with me in the ancap phylosophy.. I dont want to hear I should man up and forgive and forget my trauma from childhood,.., not that my prev therapist was saying that but he turned was a very religious person, (catholic)  and I just dont feel comfortable with that.


I am willing to do skype, I am sure there must be 1 or 2 people here who have explored this avenue of therapy.





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I know just the guy: Darius Cikanavičius - http://blog.selfarcheology.com/


He is my wife's therapist. I wanted to work with him too but he declined because it may detract from his work with my wife.

He's really good :)


Thanks very much Tony.

I subscribed to his channel and RSS .., and he does skype and I dont know if his prices are reasonable, As I have no experience with this.

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He charges from $50 to $150 per hour which is reasonable in my mind.


It's very difficult to find this subset of people; how many therapists are there in this world? How many philosophers? naturally the number of philosopher therapists would be far fewer. My estimate is 1 in 10 million; that is approx. 700 people like Darius in the world. I only know him through my wife but I say we are very very lucky to have men like him in this world...

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He charges from $50 to $150 per hour which is reasonable in my mind.


It's very difficult to find this subset of people; how many therapists are there in this world? How many philosophers? naturally the number of philosopher therapists would be far fewer. My estimate is 1 in 10 million; that is approx. 700 people like Darius in the world. I only know him through my wife but I say we are very very lucky to have men like him in this world...


I see he has translated some of Stef;s book into his language, so I guess he is in the ancap, selfknowledge camp..., I am looking into his videos right now...wow..., he and Stef almost speak same language with regards to seldiscovery, peacefull paranting.


Good find.

I gues he must be a member on these boards if he listens to Stef.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


A couple of people mentioned this thread to me. So, to those whom it may concern, I will just go ahead and openly state my views on the aforementioned subjects:

  • I don't believe in the legitimacy of any form of government or any other unchosen disparity of power – I'm for the non-agression principle in all spheres of life.
  • I don't believe in any form of misticism or irrationality (religions, gods, prophets, holy books, New Age stuff, karma, afterlife, etc.) – I greatly value critical thinking, logic, science, reason, and evidence.
  • I will always side with the child or with the childhood experiences of an adult (vs. people who hurt them of failed to protect them in any way and for whatever reason).
  • I find the commonly offered methods of "just get over it," "forgive and forget," "(s)he is your parent / spouse / family member, therefore your emotions are invalid," "they did the best they could, therefore your emotions are invalid," "just think positively," etc. to be neither valid nor useful.
  • Even though the intensity and speed of the process varies from person to person, I don't find it to be true that healing, growing, or resolving one's personal problems is a quick and simple process, therefore I neither offer quick solutions for difficult problems nor think such a thing really exists.

I think these are the more important topics, so I hope that helps! More information on consulting with me can be found here: www.selfarcheology.com/consulting-and-emotional-help.html

If anybody has any questions, you can always contact me directly via a medium of your choice; all of my contact information can be found here: www.selfarcheology.com/contact-me.html


EDIT: Oh, and I accept Bitcoin as a form of payment, too.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to reiterate what Tony had mentioned above.


I recently started working with Darius, and can say that I've found him to be exactly what I was looking for.  He is knowledgeable, patient, insightful, helpful, kind, generous, empathetic, and an overall delight to work with.  Darius is the REAL DEAL and what I believe to be a rare gem in the therapy world.  I would highly recommend Darius to anyone, especially people here in the FDR community looking for a "like-minded" therapist, or what I think Stefan would describe as a "minded" individual.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I realize that I may be late to this, but in case of any one else sees this thread and is looking for a therapist...


I offer my services as well at a competitive rate. I offer a free 30 minute consultation to see if we would be a good match for each other.

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