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I draw porn for pleasure...is this a moral quandary?


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I am currently in a ldr with my fiance. One of the ways I have come to coping with the sexual frustration is I have gotten into drawing porn in my free time (About one picture every 2 weeks or so, take about an hour and half for a picture).

I use a surname (different username) and I draw based on requests I receive from my followers. I have strict rules about the content, nothing violent, underage, etc, etc


But I have been wondering if this causes some sort of moral problem or any unforeseen problems in the future.

I know there is shouldn't be a moral problem with it, I'm not depicting rape and I am very careful that everything I draw is consensual. It's what gives me the sexual pleasure anyways.

But I am wondering if this would affect things such as future job opportunities or whatever. My name, face and identity aren't attached to any of these images so my guts says it's not a problem.


What do you guys think?

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Well you're not initiating force so I don't see how it can be immoral (even if you're depicting sketchy stuff). As far as affecting your career goes, lots of things can do that, including philosophy. But let's say it won't ever affect you in the future, maybe in fact it will actually help (lots of great artists drew porn). Do you still feel the need for validation? I may be wrong but I get a feeling you want someone to tell you that what you're doing is ok, and the morality/career reasoning is just an afterthought.


You could experiment to see if your doubts come from an emotional reaction, or rational one. Draw some porn you don't find appealing at all and notice if your worries are still there. If they're not, then I reckon it was an emotional reaction that warrants further analysis.

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Hey have you listened to a recent call in show. I forgot the exact name of it but a guy called in asking where fetishes come from. I think that podcast will help you allot. 



MY basic amateur summary is that if we have sexual experience when we are young or even toddlers. That is imprinted in our brain, we correlate that with pleasure because it was our first sexual experience. 

The guy called because he was turned on when he saw people being swallowed alive. 

they talked about his childhood and apparently his parents let some molesters baby sit him as a toddler or very young baby. 

Stef said if they sucked on your penis as a baby that might have been imprinted in you. That was your first sexual experience. 

So when you see people being swallowed alive by snakes and monsters it turns you on because as a baby those adults looked like monster or giants to you. 

And that was your first sexual experience. 



So i would apply this to you, was your first sexual experience seeing someone draw a pornographic picture. You might not even remember because you might have been a toddler. 



Sorry for my misspelling. 

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How does your fiance feel about it? (Or does she even know?)


Why aren't you two in the same area?


My one concern would be... "what type of people am I interacting with?" like who are your followers and what is the value of interacting with them?




The overarching question, is porn immoral, moral or amoral (that is, porn made legally by consenting adults)?... I don't know. I have researched it on the forum before, and never really found an answer. The issue most commonly brought up is the fact that many porn stars tend to come from abusive childhoods and are tortured souls... which wouldn't really relate to your question because your characters are nonliving and fictional. But then again, it doesn't seem like it's talked about a whole lot here... at least people aren't talking about the occasional recreational use of porn. The discussions I've been able to find are about sort of 'extreme' fetishes (for want of a better phrase) and addictions to porn.

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Well you're not initiating force so I don't see how it can be immoral (even if you're depicting sketchy stuff). As far as affecting your career goes, lots of things can do that, including philosophy. But let's say it won't ever affect you in the future, maybe in fact it will actually help (lots of great artists drew porn). Do you still feel the need for validation? I may be wrong but I get a feeling you want someone to tell you that what you're doing is ok, and the morality/career reasoning is just an afterthought.


This mostly came to mind after listening to the recent call in show "Dangers of being a sexworker" where Stefan made a pretty good case of how sexual work online can effect future careers or children.

The thing is, my face and identity isn't connected to any of this but I was wondering if the same principles applied.


Hey have you listened to a recent call in show. I forgot the exact name of it but a guy called in asking where fetishes come from. I think that podcast will help you allot. 



MY basic amateur summary is that if we have sexual experience when we are young or even toddlers. That is imprinted in our brain, we correlate that with pleasure because it was our first sexual experience. 

The guy called because he was turned on when he saw people being swallowed alive. 

they talked about his childhood and apparently his parents let some molesters baby sit him as a toddler or very young baby. 

Stef said if they sucked on your penis as a baby that might have been imprinted in you. That was your first sexual experience. 

So when you see people being swallowed alive by snakes and monsters it turns you on because as a baby those adults looked like monster or giants to you. 

And that was your first sexual experience. 



So i would apply this to you, was your first sexual experience seeing someone draw a pornographic picture. You might not even remember because you might have been a toddler. 



Sorry for my misspelling. 


Yes, I have listened to that call in show before. However, I'm not sure the same applies in this. I don't draw anything fetishy and make explicit that I will not accept any fetish requests. I honestly find those fetishes really gross and puzzling how people indulge into them.

As far as I can remember, I've been drawing naked men and women since I was a kid. Being artistic, I guess, means we're constantly drawn toward nude figures (judging by ancient sculptures and pictures). So, as far as I understand it, drawing 'smut' isn't an abnormal thing for artists. I'm just curious on any moral or unforseen consequences that I should be considering.


How does your fiance feel about it? (Or does she even know?)


Why aren't you two in the same area?


My one concern would be... "what type of people am I interacting with?" like who are your followers and what is the value of interacting with them?




The overarching question, is porn immoral, moral or amoral (that is, porn made legally by consenting adults)?... I don't know. I have researched it on the forum before, and never really found an answer. The issue most commonly brought up is the fact that many porn stars tend to come from abusive childhoods and are tortured souls... which wouldn't really relate to your question because your characters are nonliving and fictional. But then again, it doesn't seem like it's talked about a whole lot here... at least people aren't talking about the occasional recreational use of porn. The discussions I've been able to find are about sort of 'extreme' fetishes (for want of a better phrase) and addictions to porn.


She know, and she's fine with it. She's modeled for me a few times when we were togetherWhy we are in a ldr is a very long and complicated story that involves involuntary blackmail from the state and the USA military. A fun story for another time perhaps. But thankfully it's a temporary set up.

I have very little contact the the follower base since this isn't a provider-customer relationship. It's more of a "When I'm feeling sexually frustrated/lonely I'll scroll through 2 or 3 pages of requests, pick one and draw it." Psychologically, it helps me with that primal sexual drive. Why it gives that satisfaction to me, I am not sure.


I really appreciate these thoughtful responses guys!

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I don't see how it could be immoral, it could get a bit iffy if you're depicting rape and such but you've said you're not so I think you're in the clear...that said, I would expect eventually that any and all content you put on the internet will be tied to your actual name -- could be wrong, but it's a possibility that one should probably consider...there's a line I heard Judge Judy say once that could be adapted to pretty much anything online "say it forget it, write it regret it", I don't mean to say you'll regret it, just that the possibility is there that it'll be tied to your actual identity so it might be a good idea to explore your feelings about that and take them into consideration.Just curious, do you draw other things?

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It's not immoral at all according to the non aggression principle .


But I still want to call it a fetish becuae you said you get plesure from it . You can have fetishes that are not extreme like a ballon fetish . I would urge you to look into that because your repost sounded defensive and you missed my point.


Only because you don't draw crazy things that doesn't mean it's not a fetish . And kids don't draw naked people I have personally never seen that before . I would not expose my kids to any nudity at a young age , it's somthing you need to look into .

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What do you mean by "being artistic means we're constantly drawn towards nude figures"? As an artist myself, and having drawn nude figures, I wouldn't say I am drawn to a nude figure anymore than I am drawn to drawing musculature with no skin, or bones with no muscles, or a fully formed body that is fully clothed.

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