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Please excuse my vagueness in the post but I'm new to the boards and would prefer to remain some what anonymous in this post. Someone that I really deeply care about is a statist. No matter what I tell them they just do not listen to reason. I've rebutted with facts about the state, the famous "against me" argument, I've even tried showing some of Stef's videos but they just don't want to hear it. Their childhood is pretty much what you'd expect it to have been, statist parents who are encourage spanking and yelling and act out on those beliefs. This is a very important person to me who in my conscience and heart don't feel I can leave behind but I'm not sure what to say. Every time we talk about philosophy we get into horrendous arguments where this person, someone who is usually quiet and claims to be nonjudgmental and peace loving, gets angry and incredibly emotional. Does anyone have successful experiences with this? What can I do? Is there any hope for change or is my friend so down the rabbit hole of false knowledge and allegiance to the state that anything I could say will just be useless. Please help FDR friends.

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