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Hi everyone.


I am asking anyone for their advice / opinion, and seeing as you all, on some level, support this kind of thing, I would love to get all your thoughts. First of all, what I am trying to do is start my own business, juicing raw, local organic vegetables and fruits and the farmers market. Of course, looking more into running a food business (or any business) , the many government regulations are a complete obstacle serving very little to no purpose. Anyways, a rant also serves no purpose, especially as I feel drawn to run this business anyways. Having worked at many markets, I see there is no stand that offers this, and think it could be a wonderful way to serve people, support local farmers, and make some money as people wake up to living and eating healthy.  
Anyways, I have come up with a few names for my business which is what I am mainly asking anyone to share their thoughts on the name I could use which is attractive, what is appealing to you (and you think would be to others), etc. Any advice, time and thoughts are welcome and greatly appreciated. Here is my long list, put down to the ones I think are the best. 
-Rise & Shine
-Sweet Inspiration
-Blends of Harmony
-Its Environmental
-Nurturing Health
-Sprouting Change
-Sprouting Immunity
- Local Haven
- Rawganic
- Revive the System
- Kickin Blues
-Juicing Change
I really appreciate all your time in reading this and trying to help and appreciate everyone possibly being interested in organics and trying to serve a more sustainable, efficient and positive future. 
For anyone who is interested, I am planning to start by setting up and paying commission to a different vendor, at their stand, while attracting customers to them as well. Starting with buying very little produce, and always purchasing more during the market. If anyone has any background in graphic design or anything, I am really doing this and would be more than happy to pay someone to help me make a logo, sign, or any that if my business really does thrive. 
I would love any criticism, thoughts, feedback, etc. especially before I go out and spend money on an expensive juicer.
Thanks again.
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I would suggest you grow your own fruit. True organic fruit is very expensive to buy which might price out your juice. Also I believe juicing removes a good deal of vitamins from the fruits, which is what i would assume the health conscious organic buyer is looking for in the first place. Frankly, and I'm just some guy so don't take this personally, fruit juice even organic is harmful do to the large amounts of fructose separated from the fibers which help slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream. Fruit juices are a important component of obesity and childhood diabetes. If the health population you are marketing to knows this collectively your juice will become a once and while treat rather than a household staple. You would have to have a large population to start this. Just my thoughts. 

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Hi NGardner, 

I appreciate the response. To start, I dont have any land to grow my own fruit or vegetables. I do though, have great relationships with many farmers at the market, and no matter what get incredible discounts if not free sometimes. Of course, I do not plan to operate or depend on that, but if I were to go to one of my friends and tell him my plan and eventually, if my business were to thrive, get discounts nevertheless for wholesale. Juicing though, in itself, especially with a high quality juicer, does not (is not supposed to) remove any vitamins, minerals, nutrients from the plant, it is only supposed to remove the fiber. The idea behind it is that instead of eating 10 apples , or 5 lbs of spinach, or whatever, which would be an entire meal almost, you can still get all the nutrients from eating those plants, without becoming full. Basically, you are able to "dope yourself up" with an incredibly high amounts of nutrients which offer benefits such as higher energy, high vitamin C prevents and reverses many diseases, etc. I am aware of the fruit juicing though, it is bad for many people , especially diabetics. Though, if one is healthy, and without yeasts or parasites in the body (which feed on the sugars) it is extremely healthy and offers many benefits. I was thinking of doing more detoxifying drink though, such as beet juice, wheatgrass, etc. rather than simply apple juice, orange juice, etc. 


Lastly, it is actually the pasteurized (boiled) fruit juices which are 100% unhealthy, and also laced with tons of sugar as well as other additives. Raw juice is seen as one of the healthiest things among "foodies" as far as I know. I have also worked in health food stores and for farmers, and juicing seems to be one thing that they all do for their health. The only reoccuring concern is that it is extremely expensive. I am not sure I understand your last 2 sentences but if you could clarify that and/or respond to this I'd really appreciate it. 


Thanks for your time and help nevertheless.  



Last thing, just to clarify, I am totally aware, sugar is the main cause of obesity and fibre is also one of the most essential nutrients in human development and health. Raw juices, as far as I understand, are intended for healthy people, to become healthier. An unhealthy person should definitely not be consuming a very sugary drink. Neverthless, a kale and spinach drink for the average person should be fine (providing they can withstand the flavor), it is the high sugar content and low fibre which is the problem. 

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Haha just real quick as im off to work; I've never seen that "greenology" stuff or whatever jacbot, but as far as I saw in the few seconds I looked, that is incredibly overpriced for processed , non-organic green drinks. I do know though, alteast at the market I work at, there is a clientele for "health foodies" who are looking for raw organic juices, and I would emphasize the local , which is always an addition. I dont plan to sell 100ml for 10 bucks though , it will take some experimenting though. And I will add in Vitalize. Thanks everyone I appreciate your support and help ! 

Jonny, actually I didnt even know what vitalize meant. I appreciate it. Seems like a very good name actually. Thanks

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I think that's AWESOME!!! I'll have to give the name some thought but the business idea ROCKS!!! There are juicing places popping up throughout the country and I have one near me I frequently go to especially when I'm being lazy and don't juice my own veggies at home. I only have a centrifugal juicer and sometimes borrow my neighbor's masticating juicer but my juices are never as good as the ones I get from this place called Fruitive near me. I think it is important that people are educated and understand the difference between raw/unpasteurized organic juice and all the other crap masquerading as 'healthy juice' out in the marketplace.

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Ahahaha... Jonny...that literally made me laugh out loud!!! :-D LOL..on a slightly serious note..I like Sprouting Change or Rawganic & Vitalize best I think.. :-P

After some thought.. I LOVE VITALIZE!!!  :thumbsup: ..it's simple and meaningful

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Thanks everyone ! Anyone feel free to message me as well on the side. But yes to begin, Marina I had no idea you did that yourself haha, thats awesome. I wouldn't mind what you think on the "best" juicer to start up this business if you have any experience or knowledge in that. I did some research and its a 3.4 billion dollar industry. All I know is that there is a gap in the farmers markets, not a single vendor sells raw organic vegetable or fruit juices (only (non-organic) apple or lemonade). 


NGardner, yes, I would love to. The only problem is affording this stuff. I barely have enough to get myself started on the juicing (paying for the juicer, bottles to possibly bottle in the future, custom tags & sign & stuff). Which is why I plan to ask around if I could share someone's table at the farmers market, attracting people to their table and offer them commission on my sales until I can afford to build my own business. If I could afford it, I would love to provide people with grass-fed beef, organic eggs, organic produce, honey, possibly dried herbs, heck maybe even organic soaps & cosmetics. At the moment, at this farmers market I plan to set up, I work for an organic farmer who grows everything himself except he sells dried herbs from online & local organic grassfed beef and pasture raised pork. The other farmer who Ive worked for, on the farm and at the stand, is a biodynamic farmers selling his own pasture raised grassfed beef & produce (nothing brought in). Its all an investment though and without money or my own stand (table), I cant plunge right in unfortunately. I do believe there is a huge opportunity though. And, if anyone has any background and/or knowledge in graphic design I am more than happy to pay (through paypal?) for some logos,etc.


I have though, definitely thought about a whole health food line, but I need to start somewhere and Im struggling just starting up. Any thoughts and/or suggestions


Lmao. Jonny. or maybe "Freedomain Thirsty?" or "Satisfy My Thirst" But lol thats halarious. 


Thanks everyone for your continued effort to try to help & support ! Glad a few people here support organic, local, sustainable agriculture ! 


Would love to continue to hear more advice and criticism ! Thanks a lot !

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Great idea man. Sounds like the small shared space idea will be a good time to get feedback and nail down some really tasty recipes that people like. Should also give you a good idea of the product demand. Maybe try to sell it as cheap as possible to focus on getting the product out there ya know.


Maybe offer blended drinks for customers concerned with losing stuff from juicing. That would require more hardware though.


I'd be happy to sketch up some logos samples or graphic work if ya nail down the name and have any ideas.

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Is Stefbot vegan or vegetarian?


I am looking for the combination of high tech and health food, like super efficient nutrient bars austronauts use. I understand the convinience of "tv dinners" but I just never understood why technology couldnt make these products superhealthy and tasty.

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That would be sick ! Thanks Carl ! I have spoken with many people and 


Sprouting Change





all seem to get the most attention with one person saying "Revive the system" which I think sounds more like a tagline or w.e. 


Anyways that would be so sick I really appreciate it ! So glad I reached out to get ideas from FDR & help. You guys are awesome. 


For the name, I will start to look into whether any of the names are taken or trademarked. I spoke with someone who got threatened to be sued by a company in a different country than her (!), starting off at farmers markets but because the products were so competitive she was noticed. 


If anyone would like to narrow down the names let me know. 


I also think that is a great idea Carl. I know there are again people with smoothies, but not fresh in front of the customer. I have a blender which I could probably borrow for now which would be of huge help. That is a great idea though. 


This saturday I will go around and talk about this with everyone during my break to try to share a table. I do know that legally there are restrictions like I need to get a Food Handler Certificate, which I will do this week, but the rest of the restrictions, because all of it is fresh, are at the discretion of the farmer's market staff.


Anyways that is a great idea to offer both smoothies & juices. I will do that 100%. My plan is to offer samples, maybe even to simply test out what people like at the beginning, as well as offer it for cheap. It is all an investment of course so I need to be open to offering a lot more, especially at the beginning. 


Again, I really appreciate that Carl, that wold be sick ! I cant believe the awesome relationships Ive made through FDR. Simply fascinating and uplifting to me. 


And Jacbot, I dont really understand your question, etc. Though, that is a great idea, if I do end up getting bigger, I know how to cook & make chocolate, I could sell "Health Food Chocolate" boost bars, which again, are a big thing for the health food people (with money). 


Anyways this is all really great and I again, appreciate the continued support, advice and help. 


Please keep commenting and keep letting me know what your thoughts are. It seem like, implementing will be difficult, but in regards to  the business plan & support, things just continue to move up. 


Thanks !



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Just to add if anyone cares to comment or offer advice; my one concern at this point is that the juicer & blenders are very loud, which might turn people off, as well as cause me to have a hard time to get another vendor open to sharing space. Ones (which are also fast enough) which are quiet start at like $2000.... in any case, slow quiet ones start at $1000.. 


Any thoughts?

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I think Rawganics is what it is. I just bought a domain for it because I told someone all this stuff and he ended up being really slimy & writing notes on everything I said , which was alot. Anyways I like Rawganics because it can appeal to everyone and not just one class of people. I did like Vitalize though , it was definetely trademarked though. Anyways any thoughts on Rawganics ? Im thinking eventually ill make and sell raw chocolate, sorbets (from the juicer) and other things like that. 

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A lot of use of the word "Rawganic" around.  Not necessarily a concern unless someone has it copyrighted, trademarked, or whatever, but could be a potential road block down the word if you run into a douchbag business that feels like threatening you with state violence.  If you can make these juices with organic products for under $6 each, I have no doubt you can be very successful.  Best price I've seen locally is right around that price point, but for non-organic.  Anyway, best of luck with it!

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Thanks tastemaker. At this point, I have a website, rawganics.ca ; I have starting trying to making a logo for Rawganics & trying to complete a business plan. Rawganics, for some reason, surprisingly came up as not being trademarked at first, which is why I looked into the website, though it must have been a glitch because it was trademarked. If I were to trademark, I would use Rawganics Toronto / Rawganics TO , which obviously doesn't as great but atleast it wouldnt get me sued. 


I have found other expenses though, to be able to really get out there. There are a few markets which I could vend at for free, but there would be no outlet , so I would need to invest in a "powerbox" or generator kind of thing that would allow my juicer to be hooked up and run for a few hours. Not sure if anyone knows anything about those things, where to look, best ones, how much they are, etc. That would also be helpful. 


For my prices, I was thinking 8oz for around $5 or 16oz for $8 (this is the exact same price as a local health food store that sells juices -- but not from local produce) I would like to sell them, 8oz for $6 and 16oz for $8 - $9.  


I have yet to actually purchase the juicer and see how much it costs to make these glasses though. 


What are your guys thoughts on selling them for more than, well, the biggest health food store in toronto? I think ill probably (and have to) put it to the same price though, and let the customer decide that they would prefer my juice over the other one because of the superior quality in produce and freshness. 


All in all, if anyone knows anything about portable access to power for my machinery & what you think of prices, please let me know. 



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If you're finding the idea of a generator/powerbox a bit overwhelming to start your business, one thought that comes to mind is to go places where you might be able to set up a stand near your vehicle.  All you'd need is an inverter to run the blender off your cars cigarette lighter.  These are pretty cheap, so not much financial risk involved.

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tastemaker, I dont have a vehicle. Im about to turn 17, couldnt even legally drive yet if I have a car & wanted to. Anyways, a big part of why this business was so intriguiging, vs landscaping which I thought of doing, is there is almost no equipment. Simply a juicer & blender, which I can carry on the subway, and money for produce. If I could hook up power to someone else's car that would be cool though...


I will look into that sound thing Carl. Im going to message you though, anyway I could send you a picture of what I have for my "logo" so far & see what you think ?


I also think I will give free samples to start, & give handouts on "why juicing" & how it is good for your health etc.

Well , to further distiguish my business, I have decided to call myself "Local Rawganics" rather than "Rawganics Toronto", which I think sounds better (not the greatest) but also allows customers to see we emphasize local. Cant wait to get up & running. Think I will be getting my juicer today (right now) actually. Its all moving forward. 

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Hi Jake, I haven't been to the farmers markets in Toronto, but here even just a chalkboard sandwhich board (craigslist) with just "FRESH JUICE! $5 8oz, $8 16 oz" etc would do the trick, if you're worried about keeping the overhead low & don't want to spend money on printing stuff right off the bat. 


You also mention printed bottles; what about just a plastic "cold cup" with lid & straw? I picture this product as something someone would buy & drink while strolling around the market, rather than take home to drink later. You can get compostable versions of this product, and it would likely save on having anything printed. 


Although the branding part can be fun, from a profitability point of view, I would suggest focusing on keeping your costs low to test the market for the product rather than investing in much signage, custom bottles, etc. I shop at health food stores & farmers markets and have been known to shell out $7 for a smoothie or juice (so, potentially your target customer), and the branding would have to be virtually nothing for me to get out my wallet. I've paid $5 for a coconut out of the back of a guys pick up truck. It depends on what your goals are, but my approach would be more like the coconut guys' - his product cost is minimal, he has little money invested, his profit is high, and he has a line-up, so his volume is as well. He also goes through customers quickly - something to think about in your business plan is how long each juice will take, how many hours you'll have, how much profit you will make on each one, what prep can be done beforehand, etc. Hope that helps!

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Thanks Mango for taking your time to help. First of all , not sure where you saw I mentioned printed bottles, but I was just planning to get recycled paper cups (not plastic though).. 


I am not planning to do branding in the beginning except having business cards, handouts on "health benefits of juicing", etc. 


Basically, the length of time on the juice made depends on which juicer i decide to buy. It will either be fast & lower quality, or higher quality and really slow. 


I was told today though, that really scrubbing the vegetables and soaking them will be of benefit for flavor.


All stuff to think about... 


It is helpful and appreciated , thanks

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Hi Jake.  From what I understand when it comes to "positioning" in the name of the business, here are the things recommended for picking a name.

1)It shouldn't be too generic, it doesnt ring well with the customers

2)What gender is the main public you are going for?  With gender in mind, think of the names that sound either feminine or masculine

3)The product line that you have, what are the most important qualities that you want for customers to consider, see if this can be implemented in the name

4) Try to have the name which is easy to remember and if possible, something that is easy when rolling of the tongue.  

5) What is the most likely age group.

6) When people use your product, how will they feel?  Would they feel refreshed?  Energized?  The feeling is also something you might want to consider in the name, or rather a name that carries that feeling across. 


Just some of my thoughts, hope it helps

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Hi Slavik, to begin, I am genuinely curious why you would think I should have a target gender in mind when creating my business / business plan. I do not see what benefit would arise from such a thing and is seemingly a waste of time. I can understand, when selling  shirts or others things like that, but juice, i am not sure I understand.


The name I currently have is Rawganics / Local Rawganics .


Again, I am not sure why I need to have a targeted age group?


This is helpful, though I have chosen Rawganics as my name, I would love to hear your comments on your comments and questions, in regards to the name I am chosen. 



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Hi Slavik, to begin, I am genuinely curious why you would think I should have a target gender in mind when creating my business / business plan. I do not see what benefit would arise from such a thing and is seemingly a waste of time. I can understand, when selling  shirts or others things like that, but juice, i am not sure I understand.


The name I currently have is Rawganics / Local Rawganics .


Again, I am not sure why I need to have a targeted age group?


This is helpful, though I have chosen Rawganics as my name, I would love to hear your comments on your comments and questions, in regards to the name I am chosen. 



Hi Jake.  The gender refers to the product name.  If you find that there is one gender that is targeted (will use your product more)  then the product name will be more memorable for the target audience.   If product is gender neutral, you can bypass this consideration all together.  The age group/range, does matter, if you are selling to children, then the name should be more appealing to that age group, if you know for example that your name lands you in to senior group, the name will not be appealing to the appropriate age group.  If you wish, you can read "positioning"  how to position your product.  If your product name is your business name and no other names are given to the product line, then the reason for such consideration is to make sure that you have the name that sounds good and appealing.  At the end, if you think that this is a waste of your time, then by all means disregard everything I am saying.  Its not a big deal.


Best of luck  wish you the best in your venture.

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Hi - JakeN...

I was wondering... if you are going to write a business plan, whether you'd consider the potential of your business to be able to grow from a weekend event to a more frequent or weekday event (presuming markets are weekends only)? Would it be possible that you could rent out some counter space through local restaurants, and/or create weekday specials for busy office workers (eg. target market) ..maybe some kind of deal where you could juice up stuff and drop it off to people during coffee-break times so that instead of coffee your clients could have your freshly juiced drinks? You could have a roving mobile juice truck...perhaps. And an app :woot:  that could allow people to order fresh juice based on what's available by the seasonality & availability. Being an entrepreneur opens up many posibilities! Best of luck.

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Alright Slavik, I appreciate it. I think I will stick with Local Rawganics as it seems to get across much or all of what I would like to get across; I am selling local, raw, organic goods. 


SueBee; wow am I glad you commented. Before I thank you so much for your suggestions, I will just respond to your weekday event thing. Farmers Markets are on weekdays & weekends, in front there is a farmers market every single day. Though; a lot of the farmers markets will not be open during the winter. I could try to rent some counter space from a restaurant, that is not somthing I have thought about, though it seems that would be very expensive; and finding the right place that does not offer raw, organic juices in the first place. 

I will definitely look into that though. Now, I really like to mobile juice truck, though I am not sure if that would be the best allocation of resources, because that would more likely be a hit & miss everytime, weather permitted (for customers) , area, etc. I would likely stick to farmers markets from spring to fall & possibly try to get into a restaurant or store during the winter. 


Now this is where I was wowed. That is the greatest idea I have ever heard. I will try, tooth & nail, to create an app like this. That is honestly the most genius thing I have ever heard. You sure are right being an entrepreneur opens up many possibilities. It may be stressful, but sure is exciting ! 


Now I just need to find someone to try to help me make this amazing app. That is unfortunately not somthing I know how to do.. Anyone here? :) 


Anyways thanks a lot. Off to work in the next hour , pick up a juicer on my way back, then when I come back, my plan is to finish my business plan 100%. I can send it to you if you are open Sue? Again thanks so much!!

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Hi jake, from what I have read here you're doing good. I'm on my phone so this will be brief.

Rawganic is usually associated with raw vegan from my understanding. Have you considered the idea of including organic almond milk or cashew cream at your booth/ van? I have seen a place here on the east coast that does juice like you plan , they also sell "raw" everything from vegi dip/spread ... To vegan cheese (you can use your juice pulp for tones of recipes to cut out waste). I know there are many vegans in Toronto.


Also think you could use the name Rawthentic in case you haven't already made up your mind!


There's some food for thought!


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I think that is a great idea. I've been to a few farmers markets outside of the U.S. and there were vendors juicing on site and selling the juice. I've not come across a farmers market in the U.S. that sells fresh juice.


Someone suggested growing your own fruits and veggies organically. You are a smart man to let the division of labor go to work here... I've been gardening for many years and still struggle to produce enough food to feed myself. It would take years and a very large investment to produce your own. On a small scale, you'd end up paying way more to grow than you would to buy from your market buddies. The cost of buying organic shouldn't be a problem anyways... you can justify the mark up because you've manipulated the product further... and not everyone wants a juicer for their home (buying a 12 oz glass of juice for $5 or whatever price on the weekend would be more desirable than buying a $300 juicer for some people). So I think your idea is pretty cool.


I guess I just wanted to share my thoughts because I don't understand when people encourage you to bite off way more than you can chew before you've had a chance to get started. It's like, just because they are removed from the situation and have no stake in it, they're going to imagine the most elaborate business plan. I find it quite discouraging. I'm sure it's helpful in some way, maybe for long term visioning, but right now you have so many little details to focus in on to make any kind of progress. ESPECIALLY with all the dang gov't regulations when it comes to the food industry. You gotta start somewhere and maintain some focus. (By the way, I really hope this doesn't offend anyone, I'm just speaking my mind). Someone also recommended starting out with a variety of food items... although I'm a huge proponent of diversification, I think you are smart to focus on one thing. Once you are established, you can start experimenting on a small scale introducing new food items to see which ones are popular. I wouldn't pay much attention to that just yet, though, and maybe never depending how your market responds to the juicing. There's a guy that sells at our local farmers market, and he's way too experimental in the variety of products he sells, he can't commit. I admire his determination, but his strategy is not effective. One week it's homemade hand salve, the next it's sweet tea, the next it's handmade jewelry. I've observed his stand, and he gets very few customers. Compared to vendors who are focused one product, something like coffee or soap.


As far as health concerns around juicing, with a juice made of primarily fruit there is a lot of fructose. But it's not really a problem if you're going to have a glass of juice on the weekends when visiting the farmers market. Anyways, you can mix in a lot more veggies than fruit to balance out the sugar content. The benefit of juicing is that you are able to consume the vitamins and minerals of a lot of veggies that you wouldn't be able to eat whole. Additionally, you are removing the fiber... yes this is a good thing... too much fiber is just as detrimental as not enough (contrary to what modern medicine would like you to believe). The most important health concern would be cleanliness, always wash before juicing.


And I'm rooting for you as you jump through the regulation hoops!!! It would be cool if you could share some tips and advice as you navigate it if you have the extra time. Way to go! You must have a supportive network of family and friends to be jumpstarting this at such a young age, very cool!

They sell sound dampening material that's like a rubber mat with a sticky side. Putting that on the body of the blender might reduce the noise a bit.  The more expensive models probably just have the stuff on the inside of the blender motor housing.


Maybe the noise isn't a problem, it could attract more people to your stand :) Farmers markets are noisy and bustling anyways. Again, this is something I would consider after getting established... the noise may not even be a problem. Another something you should keep in mind but not focus your attention on right now until you have some experience. Addressing the noise now could end up being a waste of your time, could end up being a critical step... you won't know until you get started.

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Thoughts on the name/ tagline and all that stuff. Heres what I have drafted:


Local Rawganics


Organic. Local. Conscious. Nurtured.

Organic. Local. Conscious. Loved.

Organic. Local. Thriving. Loved.

Organic. Local. In season. Fresh.

Organic. Local. Beyond Sustainable. 

Organic. Local. Holistic. Loved.

Organic. Local. Lively. Loved.

Organic. Local. Vital. Loved.

Organic. Local. Dynamic. Loved.

Organic. Local. Living. Loved.

Organic. Local. Alkaline. Fresh. Flourish

Organic. Local. Conscious. Flourishing.

Organic. Local. Conscious. Thriving.

Organic. Local. Conscious. Blooming.

Organic. Local. Conscious. Climaxed. 



Bring Nature to your life

Bring Nature to your body

Thrive with living food

Thrive with real food

A blend of superfoods


Home of vitality and sustainability

Versatile & healthy

A lifestyle worth living

Vitality & beauty blended into one fine drink

Activate your body

Bring clarity & balance

Nurture yourself

Revive the system

From Mother Nature, for your Health

Breeding good health

Feed the gut

Rise & Shine

Conscious food for conscious living


What do y'all think?


Working on somthing else for it now; will respond to your thoughtful and appreciated messages in a bit ! 

Last ones 


Support the triumph

Organic. Local. Conscious. Reign.

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Hey Jake, if I'm being completely honest, I see a lot of trendy words that any business would be happy to use, which make them sound a little empty to me. Why not just be real without overindulging or getting too fluffy. The simple truth "Organic. Local. Fresh." would do it for me, personally. And the one tagline that stood out to me as having the most straight forward meaning with a fun little twist is "from Mother Nature, for Your Health."


And "Rise and Shine" hits the spot for me too. When I hear it, I envision waking up to a healthy life, embodied in a nutritious breakfast and a tall glass of fresh juice. In fact, I was going to vote for "Rise and Shine" as your biz name, but saw that you had already chosen one. But now no where in your name/tagline etc. do I get a sense of what your business is. So maybe you could expand to "Organic. Local. Fresh. Juice." Looking forward to everyone else's thoughts!


-EDIT- I've been thinking about this a little more, and realized the name/tagline combo is rather convoluted and pretty fluffy... not sure if this is good or bad. For me, I have a strong preference for simplicity and clarity. It would be quite difficult to decipher what your business does by reading the name/tagline/description. But maybe there's a chance to ride the healthy eating wave by using these specific words you've come up with. I'm just pointing this out. I have no idea what's best for your business.

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