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FDR Entrepreneurs Hang out!


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EDIT: Thanks to everybody that has expressed interest for another conversation.  I intend to host another conversation in very late August after I close on a townhouse that has a good internet connection.  My current connection is awful and I wouldn't be much of a good host trying to do this on a crappy internet connection.  I'll up date this post when I have a date in mind.



 I was speaking to another FDR listener today, and we've both noticed that many folks within the FDR community have a strong entrepreneurial spirit within them.  I know some that currently run their own business, are beginning a freelance start-up, or are thinking about starting their own business or going freelance.


I'd like to gather that power and drive to create into a monthly google hang-out.  A place where ideas can be exchanged, feedback given, bad habits challenged, experiences shared, associations made, or even to promote your business.  Perhaps we can devote some time to 2-min Elevator pitches and ask for feedback if we feel so inclined.


I'd like to address two questions for the fist meeting:

1.)  Why did you become an entrepreneur?

2.)  What fears did you have about starting your own business?


Tentatively scheduled next Monday July 21st at 7pm US mountain time ( -7 UTC).  I'll host and create a g+ circle that will include anybody that is interested.  If you own your own business or are thinking about it, speak up!

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I'm a real estate agent which means I'm an independent contractor. I work for myself but within a larger brokerage. I certainly consider myself entrepreneurial because if I don't create business I don't get paid a salary & I've been supporting myself full time this way for almost 8 years.. I only get paid a commission for producing results. So I'd definitely love to join in and meet everyone else. :-)

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OK, so apparently G+hangouts doesn't allow me to do what I'd like by just sharing a link for you guys to join prior to the start time.  I have to invite the participants specifically, or post the live link when it's time.  Please PM your email address or link to your google+ profile and I'll add you to the "circle" for the chat.  Alternatively, check this posting around 645-650 US mountain time for a "live" link you'll be able to use to join.


Thanks for your interest, and I hope to see you there!

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Installer says it was successful, but I don't see success in results. Page looks like its coming up, shows my profile pic, then reverts to a "click here to install" page.


Bummer. Too last minute to workout for me I guess. I can't get a response to my PMs to OP, or on his skype either.


Y'all have fund now and tell us what you did...

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Hi all,

Just a follow up note from our conversation on entrepreneurship earlier ...


With regard to sales, a traditional approach is to use the "DRIVE" acronym for guidance:

Direction, Rapport, Inquiry, Value, Execution.


So...direction is preparing well before approaching clients, knowing as much as you can about your prospects, the industry (etc.) and how your product or service can help solve problems. Rapport is defined as the introduction of yourself, apparently (my emphasis!) making "small talk", building trust (likely/presumably through repeated contact, visits or by reputation), and "setting the agenda" - so, making sure you discuss your value proposition in the sales call or meeting. The inquiry portion lists the situation (current facts and data), the problem (any problems with the current situation), the implication (what happens if you don't fix this/those problems), and the "Need Payoff" which is defined as the solution question to need (not product). Value involves the acknowledgement of customers' need and showing that you understand and respect the customer's point of view. Describing relevant features and benefits (which is the basis of marketing in many ways); and finally, checking for the acceptance of this value proposition as being accurate (my emphasis). Finally, the execution of the DRIVE process involves watching for buying signals (not sure how those are defined exactly...), summarising the points of agreement, then suggesting the next steps of Your sales process / next action items and...(drumroll)...Asking for their commitment to buy.


Of course...along the way, there will be Detours -

  • Probe to understand why,
  • Acknowledge the customer's concerns,
  • Respond appropriately based on the concerns.


Some common features of the detours are: skepticism, misunderstanding, and drawbacks.


To address the detour you can provide the relevant proof based on what customers are skeptical about, demonstrate that your product does in fact meet their needs, and that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. If there is a Price related drawback, re-emphasize the value of the product and how it could help the company or individual achieve the needs you have uncovered in your sales consultation(s) with them. Show that you listen to their concerns, and that you provide solutions.  "Check for acceptance" is the final note.


That's all.


The source is the JR Shaw School of Business, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.


I hope that is helpful. Please let me know if this was applicable to you or not. I'm interested in discussing different kinds of market strategies here in responses, or on another thread, just post a link if you start a new one.



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I don't think it was recorded however, it is something to look into. The link to the hangout will be posted here once it gets going. I think there is a limit of ten participants per session though....so we may want to do a sign-up / head count. Otherwise, it may end up being "first come, first served".

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