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Why Peaceful Parenting May Never Be Able to Bring Down the State and a Potential Alternative Solution


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I wanted to offer up some hopefully constructive criticism of peaceful parenting in terms of bringing revolution about and to also offer up my strategy for revolution as an alternative. I do agree wholeheartedly with peaceful parenting and I think it is fantastic and something the world desperately needs, I am just arguing that at this point it may be too late for it to take down the state, and here is why:


Gun control and demographics.

Basically once they take American's guns, which I believe is likely to happen in the next 5-10 years(I know I can't prove it but there is a strong push), the last real and tangible resistance to global totalitarianism is gone. Then there are demographics, basically the freedom club is dying out. America is falling to Latino culture and Europe is falling to Islamic culture and if the trends continue there will be comparatively hardly any freedom club members left in the next hundred years. This isn't even considering the western democracies collapsing greece style under the weight of their debt and unfunded liabilities to the old. Also once the guns are gone from essentially every nation on earth, the creep of the state will accelerate and I doubt the free internet that we have today will still exist, making access to FDR and podcasts much more difficult. In my view, peaceful parenting has to outrun gun control and it has to either convert Muslims/Latinos or it has to convert much of the remaining freedom club members that are pre or just beginning parenthood. On top of gun control and demographics there is the assumption that FDR, philosophy, and the ideas of peaceful parenting will continue to be available well into the future which I would argue is a tenuous assumption given the trajectory of the state's growth and control over the internet. So if peaceful parenting wont work what else is there?


As Stef has said, don't criticize unless you have a better alternative, so here is my alternative that I would really appreciate any feedback on. Its a TV show called Sing Nation and here is the 'treatment' for it as it is called. The basic idea is to connect the youth through music and through that connection have a peaceful revolution. I am not totally finished with it so any feedback is greatly appreciated.





Thanks for reading. 

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Out of curiosity, are you from the US?

Yes. I also just realized that I didn't have to make a case why peaceful parenting wouldn't work, I could have just said why I think my method will work and work more quickly. Also I probably came off as a bit of a crazy doomsday type although I do believe gun control is a real threat.

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Yes. I also just realized that I didn't have to make a case why peaceful parenting wouldn't work, I could have just said why I think my method will work and work more quickly. Also I probably came off as a bit of a crazy doomsday type although I do believe gun control is a real threat.


I was asking because of phrases like this here:



Basically once they take American's guns, which I believe is likely to happen in the next 5-10 years(I know I can't prove it but there is a strong push), the last real and tangible resistance to global totalitarianism is gone.


You know what will happen to the rest of the world if they take away the 2nd amendment?

Business as usual. Well, we will suffer a severe shortage of Michael Bay movies, sure... but we'll manage. 


I noticed there's this US-centric propaganda that's really subtle. Its Hollywood based culture has infected all of the world to the point where the US as a whole has a celebrity status. But it's just famous for only being famous, kinda like the Kardashians. Mostly people turn their attention to the US not because there's something important going on there, but because they wanna look at what new drama is unfolding. The government taking away your guns has no more tangible affect on me and my life than does Paris Hilton's love affairs.


It's the same with sports. The US has these specific sporting events that are sold as if the whole world is watching. And if the whole world is watching then it must be important, right? No, it's just some sport.



With that off my chest I'm confused about the method of peaceful revolution you're proposing. You talk about gun control at first then jump to worldwide karaoke as being the solution. What's the middle ground?

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With that off my chest I'm confused about the method of peaceful revolution you're proposing. You talk about gun control at first then jump to worldwide karaoke as being the solution. What's the middle ground?

 I was arguing why peaceful parenting won't be able to bring down the state and then proposed an alternative (a music show). Gun control was used to argue against peaceful parenting as a solution to the state because peaceful parenting will take a long time but gun control will happen much more quickly with devastating results. Nationwide karaoke is about connecting the youth of the US. As Stefan has said, connection is how we bring down the state and to my mind getting the youth of America to connect through music is the best way to get mass connection between people that are capable of it, people who haven't become parents and haven't severely abused children, the youth or millennials as they(myself included) are called. Does that make more sense as to what I was arguing and how national karaoke will bring down the state?

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 I was arguing why peaceful parenting won't be able to bring down the state and then proposed an alternative (a music show). Gun control was used to argue against peaceful parenting as a solution to the state because peaceful parenting will take a long time but gun control will happen much more quickly with devastating results. Nationwide karaoke is about connecting the youth of the US. As Stefan has said, connection is how we bring down the state and to my mind getting the youth of America to connect through music is the best way to get mass connection between people that are capable of it, people who haven't become parents and haven't severely abused children, the youth or millennials as they(myself included) are called. Does that make more sense as to what I was arguing and how national karaoke will bring down the state?


I'm still stuck at the premise.

If peaceful parenting cannot be done with gun control, this implies that I can only do peaceful parenting if I own a gun, or am for gun ownership at the very least. Assuming that's the case, why would singing some songs stop gun control? I'm assuming you're not planning to convey a peaceful parenting message through the lyrics because that would not be called an alternative to peaceful parenting.

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I'm still stuck at the premise.

If peaceful parenting cannot be done with gun control, this implies that I can only do peaceful parenting if I own a gun, or am for gun ownership at the very least. Assuming that's the case, why would singing some songs stop gun control? I'm assuming you're not planning to convey a peaceful parenting message through the lyrics because that would not be called an alternative to peaceful parenting.

Oh I see what you are asking. Well what I didn't say this but was thinking was that gun control means that a Hitler/Stalin/Mao situation is coming, and in that case peaceful parenting is going to be more difficult to do and spread. Of course that might not be the immediate case, but if they do take the guns away, they will be doing it for a reason. Also the point of the singing is to connect people, and the message in the songs are what popular songs are already about. Some are about revolutionary type things, like Some Nights by fun. and some are not, but its more about the connection between the people.

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